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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Introducing The “Natural Health Weekend” Series

Hey guys. Welcome to Natural Health Weekend! The Greedy Family and I have been using natural remedies for several years now. My research on alternative, natural treatments to resolve and/or prevent the woes that ail us has amped up. My zeal for natural health is causing me to gain a greater level of knowledge on the subject, but it would be insane for me to keep all this info to myself.

Yet  I encourage you to NOT follow my advice and recommendations blindly. Please take time to carefully consider the topics I present each weekend, do additional research on your own when you feel it’s necessary, then a make comfortable, informed decision on whether the treatments and methods I discuss are right for you and your family.

This One Thing Is Certain

Big Pharma is NOT in business to permanently heal us. This would present the issue of a one-time pharma customer who doesn’t have to come crawling back to re-purchase their products. Big Pharma is in business to make money. The majority of products they invent are designed to manage illness, not cure it. It seems every time I blink my eyes, a new pill or treatment has sprung up to “help” us.

I’m not 100% opposed to pharmaceuticals (I’ll take a pharma solution only when absolutely necessary, like an emergency tenatus shot, m’kay?), but my family’s go-to, primary source for treatment is always natural first. If you take the time to explore, you will find that there are age-old, proven, natural treatments for many of the same ailments pharma and other medical treatments are promoted.

There is no real money to be had in natural treatment by the conventional medicine gods. Why? Because they are just that — natural! On some levels, the FDA is in bed with the medical industry (crazy lady conspiracy theory alert!) with the goal to keep their cash cow thriving. Information on natural treatments is many times buried, un-promoted by the media or passed off as quackery. There is also the looming threat of ever-changing FDA rules that seek to limit our access to natural treatments.

What You Can Look Forward To In This Series

The spotlight on natural treatments.Product reviews.Zero-cost tips to help you naturally manage or resolve your issues.News on Big Pharma folly.The official Natural Health Reference Page here on Yum Yucky…and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for upcoming Natural Health vlogs!

Get ready to be educated, informed, and empowered to take greater control of your health. I can’t wait to get this thing busting wide open at the seams! I was initially going to start the first topic today, but I felt I owed you guys a better detailed, deeper explanation behind the importance of this series. So there ya have it!

…and now in other news…

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Living not blogging: birthday edition*

I know.

I, too, feel, as though Ive yammered about my birthday coming! soon! for the past 364 days.

Ive prattled on and on and on & it’s finally here.

And, after all that, Ive decided to spend today pretty much in the same fashion as I spend every other.

Ala the notion of happiness not being having everything you want—but wanting everything you have.

I shall spend time hanging out with this one (& marveling it’s been close to 3 years since I had this caricature made for her):

Last I heard she was gunning  for us to spend the morning making gluten-free cake pops (like these from last year):

Im hoping, as in years past, she’ll demand to be my doppleganger:

As I know the years of her requesting that are waning:

(Im not sure I have any idea where my headband is. We may need to birthday-gift ourselves new ones.)

I plan to follow her lead and let her show me how she thinks birthdays should be celebrated.

I imagine when given free reign over my day she’ll be just like her I LOVE MY ROUTINE! Mama & pick some time with this:

And with these lovely yoga-loving folks:

Perhaps she’ll pick to spend some time here:

I *hope*  she’ll choose some QUALITY time with these:

Perhaps we’ll hang with him**, too:

And afterward Im hoping for some good old fashioned beanbag/snacks/movie time:

Im hoping for a day spent discovering (her) & reminding (me) we are happy because we want what we have.

And that life—and birthdays—is (are) as simple as that.

*Ive closed the comments today as this post is 100% my forcing you to peer inside my birthday-brain.  No need to wish me a happy ANYTHING as *my* wish is you take the 30 seconds or a minute you’d spend on a comment & and share them with a loved one in YOUR life!

**The husband.

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Life gets messy (guest post).

There are many challenges that we invite into our lives like: intentionally putting an extra 10 pounds on the leg press, deciding to run another mile, or holding back your sarcastic comments when Aunt Deidre comes for a visit.

Then there are the challenges that pop up as unexpected road bumps.  A disagreement with a friend, a failing grade from your son’s math teacher, or a flat tire on the highway are not something we exactly welcome in with open arms.

As we face, and overcome, each of these challenges we learn about our ability to move forward.

With each step forward we gain increased confidence in our capabilities.   However, at other times, the challenges are more complex and we can’t see the path that will move us ahead.  In the midst of divorce, bankruptcy, health problems, unemployment, or a major loss we can’t just face down the problem with determination alone.

It’s in these times that life gets messy.

When you’re being squeezed, wrung out, banged on the head and knocked down – do you claw your way back up, or play possum?

There is no growth without mess.

If everything stayed neat, clean and in stasis we wouldn’t have opportunities to improve or gain strength.  The necessity of mess to create progress is an inescapable law of the universe.  The same rules apply throughout nature.  For a plant to grow it needs to struggle against the elements and the earth.  If a butterfly doesn’t build strength in its wings by battling through its cocoon, it won’t be able to fly.

When we’re toddlers we fall, get scraped up, bleed, cry and generally make a mess.  But, with tears streaking dirt down our cheeks, we learn how to walk – and then to run.

As we mature, we develop a fear of making mistakes.

We fight against being taken off plan and generally being in a mess.  Unfortunately, there are no options.  I can guarantee you, at some point, your life will get messy.  There are very few unconditional guarantees in life.  If you choose to embrace this one, and you can continue on anyway, you will also be guaranteed increased physical, mental and emotional strength.

Growth is the blessing of getting messy.

Kim Shand is the founder of Rethink Yoga. She travels nationally on a mission to inspire people to take control of their health, how they think, and how they age, through yoga. She motivates her students to find their power, their joy and to be “All In. All the Time.”  You can find Kim on Facebook, on Twitter, and on YouTube.

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Breaking down breakfast.

This is often breakfast in our home.

We dont have many hard & fast rules in our house.

I like to offer choices as often as I can so the Tornado and the Husband feels empowered.

As a result, we may break every rule when it comes to breakfast—but the one rule is there must be a breaking of the fast.

Im over at attune foods today sharing all my morning meal secrets.


This post is brought to you by Attune Foods.  I am an Attune Foods brand ambassador.  My penchant for a fishy morning meal is all my own.

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Insult and Injury. Lemme Tell Ya What Happened…

True story. Greedy Kid #3 called me a Cowgirl. “Mom, you’re a cowgirl,” he says to me. “You have the body of a girl and the head of a cow.”


say it ain’t so

…and now on to the injury: I slammed my hand in the car door yesterday. The processing chip in my brain was apparently too slow at telling my hand to get outta the way. My only thought after the first wave of pain subsided was, “How am I going to do burpees with a smashed hand?”

Is this normal thinking?

Technically, my hand isn’t smashed to smithereens. I just feels that way. Makes blog-typing difficult at the moment. This calls for an overdose of couch-azzing while TV-watching. Care to join me in spirit? We’ll have a virtual lazy-moment together.

This is your favorite Cowgirl — signing off, until next time.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Im oil pulling.

I Facebook’ed from grocery—you responded.


Im woman enough to admit Ive purchased coconut oil a few times.  And never used.

I knew it would cure my dryass elbows struggle with dry patches of skin.

I semi-recalled people wiser than I cooked and baked with it (yes Im looking at YOU oh SpaBettie and Pure2Raw twins).

I was confident I needed it in my life.  And yet Id purchase, ignore, let expire, repeat.

The cycle was endless which was 100% why I asked—at the grocery. pre-purchase—for your best tips.

(Here’s where I give a big SHOUT OUT to this blogger for being the first and one of the most prolific to chime in. Here’s also where I nag her to link her homemade toothpaste recipe below as it has coconut oil in it!)

While I was waiting in the checkout line (& getting all kinds of excited about your ideas) a non-blogger friend messaged me this link of strange and quirky uses for coconut oil.

Head lice eradication?  pink eye healing? removal of chewing gum from places it doesnt belong? I was even more intrigued.

Healthy magic shell topping I might actually allow the Tornado to consume? She was at my side, salivating and ready.

And then came the oil pulling.

Mentioned in the article & when I asked you about it suggestions came raining down like….oily rain from a coconut sky.

I was repulsed.  I was intrigued.  I was in to try.

I figured I could handle anything once.

In case you’re clueless as I am here’s the short version on what oil pulling is (longer version here).

Swishing oil in mouth to relieve body of toxins.The toxins are released due to the stimulating effect the swishing has on the body’s “eliminatory system”.Supposedly oil pulling heals individual cells & cell conglomerates (lymph nodes/internal organs) simultaneously.Oil pulling has been purported to keep gums exceedingly healthy and prevent Alzheimers.

It was the last one which snagged my eye and solidified my trying.

Poor genetics make for an adventurous misfit.

And, as I said again and again and again to Ren man:

It’s all natural.  It’s just OIL.  How bad could it be?

Despite the initial *oily shock* as evidenced in the 17 second clip above* Im 100% in & committed to oil pulling.  Im giving it six weeks to see if I notice a difference.

Yes, it’s pretty gross (the technical term) but in the name of healthy gums, diminished Alzheimers risk and the added benefit of whiter, brighter teeth I shall give it an oily-try.

And you?

Are you more an *eating* coconut oil type? Please to share your favorite food-use?

Do you slather coconut oil externally? Whats your fave spot?

Are you, too, a misfit & in to join me on my 6 week oily adventure?

*I was sort of shocked at the taste. Id hoped —in the same way OLIVE oil doesnt taste of OLIVES—it wouldnt taste like coconut. I was wrong.

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Home Workout #9: Don’t Stop ‘Till You’re Hawt (video demo)

click on image above to enlarge


PRIMARILY TARGETS: Arms, abs, legs, cardio.

TIME NEEDED: 12-minutes, plus time taken to warm up & cool down

Set your interval timer for 12 rounds at 50-second/10-second intervals.

50 secs alternating crab-stance oblique twists (keep that butt up!)10 secs rest50 secs plank walk-outs into pushup.10 secs rest50 secs alternating touchdown skaters.10 secs rest50 secs narrow squats with dumbbell into alternating twists.10 secs rest

Complete the circuit 3-times through. Records your numbers during the rest phases.



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We’ve gots new FREAK FLAGS (Mad Pax giveaway)

Last years Mad Pax birthday present.

We like Shrek the movie(s).

We LOVE Shrek the Musical.

It’s cute, filled with catchy tunes & it’s a show all of us adore which isnt always the case.

The Tornado & I, however, share the same favorite song.

The first time we saw the musical she immediately leaped to her feet & sang & danced & shrieked with wild abandon.

And it freaked me out a bit (upcoming pun not really intended)


Apparently I truly am a misfit guttermind as the song initially made me think FREAKY as in KINKY as in, well, you know where my mind went.  If you’ve never heard the song I highly recommend watching.

It’s EARWORMtastic.

As we exited the theater, both of us singing about our FREAK FLAGS, I stopped to ponder what on earth a FREAK FLAG was.

What the heck we were waving and never taking down.

Stopping singing long enough to pose…

The longer I ruminated the more it dawned upon me the concept of FREAK FLAG for me is almost defined by what it is not:

It is not “in your face” merely for the sake of being IN!YOUR!FACE!  I like to think we’ve all done this.  Perhaps only in our youth–but action or attitudes intended to shock, horrify and annoy.  Many people assume my TATTOOS are this.  They’re not.  Which leads me to…Your Freak Flag is NOT necessarily how you look. Once upon a time I met a woman who appeared, to my judgmental eye, exactly as I imagined Stepford Wives to look.  I assumed she’d be boring, uptight & we’d have nothing in common.  Holycrapballs was I wrong. She & I became closeclose friends & I quickly learned her Freak Flag made mine look like the tiny flags suck in club sandwiches.  Your Freak Flag is not necessarily connected to your exterior.It’s not rebelling.  Unfurling and flying that Freak Flag HIGH has absolutely, entirely nothing to do with angst or rebellion.  Period.  It’s self-love and self-confidence at its finest.

So what in the heck is a Freak Flag?

To me it symbolizes:

Feeling good about and at peace with who you are.  It’s being Unapologetically Yourself whether that be a tech geek or a member of the marching band.  It’s that sense of feeling *wholly* comfortable in your own skin which emanates from within. It is KNOWING  you are enough precisely as you are.It’s being transparent.  It’s living authentically without hesitation or fear.  It’s letting others see who you are and what you are about.  It is PRIDE in your authentic self & waving that authenticity for all to see.A reminder NOT to harshly judge other people AND also NOT to judge yourself.

Why do I even bring this FREAKY-concept up on a healthy living blog?

Because flying your freak flag allows you to fulfill your life’s purpose and relax into who you are meant to be.

Because it’s amazing, when we do the work to discover who we are really are and are fully honest with ourselves, all things (including health fitness and weight loss) finally click into place.

As a thank you for indulging my FREAK FLAG musings (am I alone in finding this fascinating?) I have a treat for you.

From me.  To celebrate 43.**

A chance to win a new.bumpier. FREAK FLAG like ours:

We love our new Mad Pax backpacks.

You can be entered to win a BUBBLE HALF PACK for the low low price of a comment below.

Have you unfurled your Freak Flag yet?  How have you shown the world your *authentic* self?If you still haven’t yet: what’s holding you back??

**yada yada yada no FTC diZclaimer.  The treat is from the Tornado & me.  USA and CANADA only.  Winner announced 7.20.12

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Food Trap Alert! Shortcake Biscuits, Joe-Joe’s Vanilla Creme Cookies, Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Pops

Warning: This is a Delectable Desserts edition of Food Trap Alerts. If you possess an untamed food trap or haven’t quite perfected the art of greediness in moderation, please click away from this page. Click away RIGHT NOW!!! (maybe go here instead?)

Joe-Joe’s Vanilla Sammich Creme Cookies: Holla!! Best dang vanilla creme sammich cookie I ever chewed on. Every product at Trader Joe’s, including this here sammich cookie of wonderment, has no artificial crap, no GMO’s, no MSG, and no trans fats. It even has real vanilla bean specks in its creme center. You can taste the fine quality of the ingredients, which make this cookie high class compared to other vanilla cremes. But watch out for the high calorie count. Two cookies rakes in 130 calories of fattening that might stick your booty, thighs or stomachs. If you know some gremlin children who deserve a healthier cookie treat, then give them the Joe Joe’s. You can even have one cookie. But don’t you dare shove these into your food trap in mass quantities. You’ll be doing yourself a disservice of tasty destruction. Moderation only, please.

Trader Joe’s store locator.

Nutrition: Calories 130 for 2 cookies, Fat Cal, 45, Total Fat 5g, Sat Fat 1.5g, Sodium 120mg, Carbs 20g, Sugars 11g, Protein 1g

Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt: Excuse me, but Yasso is a no-no. Great concept. Bad delivery. This frozen Greek pop is nicely oversized and low in calories, but the taste is so dang invisible and bland, even the Greedy Kids were searching for the flavor. Ever slurped on a watered down cup of Kool Aid? Ever drank a can of Pepsi with zero fizz? Ever poured a bowl of cereal, only to discover someone drank up all the damn milk? Yasso is among those kinds of food disasters. Something’s just…missing.

Nutrition: Calories: 70, Fat Cal 0, Total Fat 0g, Sodium 35mg, Carbs 12g, Fiber 0g, Sugars 11g, Protein 6g  

Trader Joe’s Shortcake Biscuits: Can you haz a biscuit? You bet your ass you can! …and you must. Just like the front of the bag says, shortcake biscuits are “wonderful with fresh fruit and whipped cream”. I did that ya’ll — fresh strawberries & a touch of TJ’s whipped cream on top. The biscuit might seem hard when you first grab it, but cut it open and you get a dense, moist biscuit with a perfect touch of sweetness that knows how to get the dessert-job done right. Now please sharpen the claws of your teeth and go gnaw on one of these for yourself.

Nutrition: Calories 310, Total Fat 16g, Sodium, 430mg, Carbs 37g, Fiber 0g, Sugars 11g, Protein 4g


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A Sensational Sunday Home from the Shore

Our beach week is over. Part of me is happy to be home and the other part if still swimming in the ocean.

MAN I love the beach! I think I was a beach bum in a former life. Nothing makes me happier then diving in waves and building sand castles with my kids. It’s better than facing this mess.


This morning I decided to leave the mess and hit the pavement in my new running clothes.

How cute is that outfit?! My Sister-in-law bought it for me for my birthday. I love it! Normally I’m running in random clothes because I refuse to splurge on workout attire. It’s just too darn expensive!

Anyway, I did 4 miles listening to my audio book. It was a nice way to start the day.

After the run I continued the laundry we started last night, prepped some food for the week and started to make breakfast all while blasting the iPod. Little Guy danced while Little Bean laughed.

It was hysterical!

Breakfast for the boys was banana pancakes and berries.

After breakfast it was time to take care of the 2 newest members of our family.

May I introduce Trooper and Sport, our new Hermit Crabs.

My breakfast was a little later. After a week of indulging in beach food I decided to wait until I actually felt hunger before eating. When I did I made myself a Spinach Omelet Roll Up and had some berries on the side.

It totally hit the spot.

The rest of the morning was spent finishing the laundry and putting everything away. We camped out upstairs for a bit reading books, watching TV and just hanging out.

Lunch started with some melon…

and (for me) ended with this amazing salad!

Click here to see how I made a Marinated Portobello Mushroom Spinach Salad. SO YUMMY!

After lunch Ryan and I went to the pond behind our house and tried out the fishing pole.

I honestly haven’t held a fishing pole in 20 years. I forgot how fun it was! We are preparing for a possible trip to Grandpa’s cabin. :)

The rest of my afternoon was pure heaven. Yesterday the husband asked if I wanted to go to the spa for my birthday which is Tuesday.

He didn’t have to ask me twice.

I splurged on a massage AND a facial. Totally worth it. I was so relaxed and happy afterwards.

I may have to start a spa savings account so I can go more regularly.

Dinner was a grill-fest!

That’s BBQ chicken, peas & carrots and roasted beets in the aluminum foil.

While all that was cooking I made a fun salad with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and basil from the my herb garden.

We ate outside. It was gorgeous.

The meal and the day. :)

We had more melon for dessert.

After dinner we cleaned.

Came up with a new chore schedule.

Ate some Banana Soft-Serve.

And played Pokeman.

The Boy’s NEW obsession. :)

Now I’m watching Newsroom and then it’s bed. Back to my training schedule tomorrow morning, I have 7 weeks until my next Tough Mudder and the messiest inbox ever. ugh.


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And That’s Half the Battle…

Good day but busy home with both kids all day. It’s amazing how much energy they can suck out of you. In a good way, of course. :)

I’m back to food journaling now that my vacation is over. Fun post planned for tomorrow. It’s my birthday and the Husband and I have been making Bucket Lists. Does that mean we are getting old?

Note: Will post the cake I made for my birthday tomorrow too!

2 egg omelet with spinach, peppers and onionBecause how can I NOT when baking? ;)Leftover chicken thigh and leftover tomato basil salad from last nights dinnerLate lunch after my early cake. Because I was giving the baby a snack. Because it was there and I was hungry while cooking dinner. Not the best choice, I know. Cod filet, leftover beets, snow peasTHIS is why I rarely bake and when I do I chose lighter options. It’s so stinkin hard to resist!Shared with Little Guy while watching American Ninja?cucumber slices with laughing cow smeared on themI wasn’t hungry but I was fighting the munchies. This hit the spot. 45 minutes weight training and abs + 1/2 hour walk with the babyI’m on a sun tea kick. 2 green tea bags, water + ice. Been sipping all day!

Note: Not sure who to credit on the photo. I saw it floating around pinterest and instagram.

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Genetics loaded in the gun.**

This is a conversation which started over on my Facebook page and it’s one Ive not been able to get off my mind.

Actually (dramatic pause) the convo. started long before that.

(this is your cue to wriggle around & get comfy in your chair. the post shall be mercifully short but there’s lottsa navel-gazing coming your way).

I was snarfing sushi and talking BRAVO TV debating political current affairs with friends when the subject of nature versus nurture came up.

More specifically the quote about genetics loading the gun but environment pulling the trigger.

Some of us weighed in heavily on the notion of nurture being everything, while others firmly believed nature predetermined everything from temperament to scholastic ability.

Me? Im an opinionated misfit and fall firmly into the camp (there’s a camp right? do we have tees?!) which believes genetics loads the gun, but environment pulls the trigger.

This is a concept I’ve pondered frequently as the Tornado gets older and faces the onslaught of potential negativity peer groups & media provides.

It’s a concept I’ve pondered frequently as Ive watched friends struggle with anxiety, depression & other mental health issues and wondered exactly what the Tornado’s gun contains.

It’s a concept, to the surprise and disagreement of friends, I find to be uplifting and inspiring.

As a parent I can’t help but worry about my daughter.

Will she be happy? Will she struggle? Will she experience the pain of bullying? Depression?

As a result I find great comfort in choosing to view our life together through the lens of she may be genetically predisposed for issues/ailments, but I can create an environment which may STOP this predisposition from becoming reality.

It gives me hope that:

By practicing (& not preaching) she will choose to live her life in a healthy fashion.By trying to be the best adult role-model I can she will choose to create a healthy & supportive adult-environment of her own.By teaching her even INACTION is a choice she will choose to create a life of purpose, intention and health.By sharing with her my genetic blueprint and showing her how I’ve managed to change parts of it (oil pulling foreshadowing? we can only hope!) she will realize a ‘gun,’ while loaded, can be semi-dismantled, managed and worked around.

Which brings me back to my question to the others that day:

Do you read the quote as I do and choose to see it as empowering?Do you, like the majority of my friends, find the line depressing /frustrating due to how little control we have over the gun & our environment?

Please to (holster yer guns and) hit us all up in the comments below.

**This is a flashback post sparked by your comments. You appropriately inquired why on EARTH Id oil pull if it was as yucky as my face intimated on video.  Three words: GUM DISEASE, ALZHEIMER’S.  One more word: PREDISPOSED (aka they’re waiting in my gun).

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Why I Run on Vacation

Just a quick Wordless Wednesday video. :)

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Thank You, Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

It was predicted that the Internet would turn us into an isolated society of bleary-eyed hermits who shun human contact and subsist on a diet of news feeds, weather updates, and cyber porn. “They” were wrong, at least for me and a few thousand other people I “know.” The Internet introduced me to a world of people I’d never have met in the physical world. People who have made a lasting impact on how I think and live. People armed with compassion, snark, empathy, and tough love.“But the beginnings of things, of a world especially, is necessarily vague, tangled, chaotic, and exceedingly disturbing. How few of us ever emerge from such beginning! How many souls perish in its tumult!” from The Awakening by Kate Chopin Entering the world of weight loss is all that: vague, tangled, chaotic, disturbing, _______ (insert adjective). And the reality is that most of us don’t journey in the first, fifth, or tenth time with a cohesive plan and the right equipment. We attack weight loss with dogged determination and motivation for about a day, maybe a week, sometimes – if we’re lucky – a month or longer. The problem is that we usually go at it alone, and inevitably we fail because, let’s face it, the self-determination and self-motivation of weight loss is hard to maintain for the long haul. But it can be sustained with a little help from the right friends. The friends who’ve been there, are there, done that, doing that. Some of my best friends are the people I’ve never never met, or at least didn’t meet right away in the traditional face-to-face way. They are the folks I’ve met through the Weight Watchers 100+ To Lose message board and through blogging. Without their support and occasional ass kicking, I’m pretty sure I’d still be in that “Gotta lose weight. Crap, this is hard. Oh what the hell, eat a donut. Now I feel guilty. Starting tomorrow, I’m eating only celery” cycle. Over the years, I’ve had the good fortune of meeting face-to-face the User Names who’ve supported me on this journey of dieting, maintaining, blogging, and learning that weight loss is not pretty, it’s not easy, and it’s not a path to happiness. One of the first people to educate me on that latter part was Marcia, or as I first knew her: Aging2Perfection. When I joined the WW message board in February 2005, I learned quickly that Aging2Perfection was not prone to delusion. She was firmly grounded in the reality of the weight loss world. But she also had the innate ability to love herself, something I floundered with, tangled up in that sticky web of self-acceptance. It was Aging2Perfection who challenged me to step back and breathe and be a better friend to myself.Weight is a part of our lives, not our entire lives. Weight (A) is the proper subset to the superset of life (B). I often forget that and make weight the be all and end all of my day. I let it set the tone of my mood and intentions. It’s people like Marcia who bring me back to reality, and for that, I’m eternally grateful.Some people have a Bucket List. I have a Face-To-Face Thank You List. I wish I could be like Jeannie and blink every one of you who have supported me and been my teachers these last seven years to a face-to-face pancake (or egg white omelet or oatmeal or smoothie) breakfast. We could even chat over leftovers! Or ride bikes or take my daughter’s spin class. Walk or hike. Drink coffee. Whatever. I just want to say: “Thank you.”

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Colloidal Silver and Ionic Silver Facts, Benefits and Risks

(It’s the first installment of Natural Health Weekend!)

My experience and self-education on the use of Silver products began after I suffered a 2nd degree burn to my leg. It was slow-healing, painful ordeal. Later on I was advised by a friend that I could have used a silver product applied externally to the skin to avoid infection in the wound, encourage quick healing and less scarring. This is what piqued my interest into learning more about silver as a natural remedy. Treating burn wounds is just the tip of the iceberg.


Silver has a centuries-old medicinal history dating back to the time of the Phoenicians, Hippocrates (460 BC – c. 370 BC), the glory days of the Greek and Romans, and the age of royal European families. During the era of plague, many aristocrats were spared the Black Death through their use of silver plates, utensils and drinking containers.

Silver’s use continued into the 1800's for prevention and treatment infection, and finally into first half of the 1900's with widespread use by physicians as an antibiotic treatment for patients. After the 1940's, silver’s use dwindled with the introduction of pharmaceutical antibiotics. Regardless of modern day nay-sayers (many medical professionals, government, and big Pharma) who aim to discredit silver through mis-information, omitted information and scare tactics, silver’s overwhelming track record as a natural remedy throughout history is virtually impossible to dispute.

You will notice that most medical and government health websites generally focus negatively on the topic of silver as quackery, in contrast to personal testimonies around the web which speak positively of individuals’ use and experiences.

Historic Perspectives on Clinical Use and Efficacy of Silver


It is a suspension of silver nano particles in distilled water. The higher the PPM (part per million), the stronger the silver product is (but stronger is not always better). It can be applied topically or ingested internally and is safe for humans, animals and plants. Your body will not develop silver-resistant bacteria. Use only quality silver products from a trusted, reliable manufacturer. Your silver should be clear as plain water. A dark or cloudy silver suspension indicates impurities are present, which can lead to undesireable side effects.


Ionic is considered the next step in silver technology. It is used in the same manner as colloidal, yet ionic silver consist of atoms instead of particles.


It is a germicide and disinfectant. It is antimicrobial, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasitic. Silver is also used in NASA space missions to preserve their drinking water.

Medical Uses of Silver

Silver is widely credited by individual users with combating over 650 diseases, pathogens and other conditions, including:

Arthritis (Rheumatoid)CancersViruses (including herpes, flu, HIV)Bacterial InfectionsGastrointestinal conditions (including stomach bug and colitis)Click here for extended list of illnesses and diseases

“By 1978, silver was shown to kill syphilis and malaria. In an interesting demonstration, swimming pool water was contaminated with 50 gallons of raw sewage that had been flushed through silver electrodes. When the water was tested there was no living E. coli.” ~ source

“Dr. Henry Crookes is credited for the wide use of silver in the early 1900s. He used it for subduing gonorrhea, tuberculosis and staphylococcus, as well as many other infectious organisms. His scientific reports concluded that there was no known microbe that could not be killed in the laboratory with colloidal silver within six minutes.” ~ source


Anything is large doses can be harmful or deadly. I remember feeding a gazillion carrots to Greedy Kid #1 as a toddler (she wanted them…ooops). The palms of her hands turned dark orange from ingesting to many carrots over a period of weeks. Anything in excess is bad for you, including colloidal silver, so please use safely and responsibly only as directed.

1. With excessive doses of colloidal silver, there are rare reports of “Argyria”, a permanent blue/gray discoloration of the skin. Ingesting poor quality silver products containing impurities may also cause Argyria. Silver is frowned upon and its use discouraged by medical and pharmaceutical powers that be for this reason. However, the true underlying reason for this opposition is obvious when you considering silver’s natural effectiveness, lack of toxic side effects, and low cost compared to prescription medication. Silver’s effectiveness is threat to the pharmaceutical industry.

Colloidal Silver “Blue Man”: Why His Story Is Public Relations Fraud

“There is no risk of a person developing this condition unless they took colloidal silver every day for up to ten years or more. Anyone with agryia has seriously misused the product they have been using. Once again, providing you use it correctly, colloidal silver is perfectly safe, irrespective of whether you use it topically or orally.” ~ source

2. There are conflicting reports that silver may or may not mildly affect gut flora, diminishing friendly bacteria (but not at the harmful level caused by pharma antibiotics). Silver should be taken only in recommended daily doses or in larger doses during times of sickness only for the time period recommended to avoid the potential of gut flora disturbance. Ingest pro-biotics, such as those found in yogurt, to avoid/correct any disturbance.


I have purchased colloidal silver and take it several times per week as an immune booster. It is also safe for gremlin children at proper dosages. The silver suspension has no odor and the appearance of plain water. It has a slight metallic aftertaste that diminishes quickly. Our first medicinal use of silver (taken orally) was for a family member’s treatment of a urinary tract infection. A quick online search led us to recommended silver dosages to treat a UTI (1 teaspoon 3 times day for 7-10 days). By day three, all UTI symptoms had disappeared. Silver intake was therefore reduced to 1X per day for the remaining days prescribed. No doctor’s visits or antibiotics were necessary. Hooray!!

We don’t look forward to illness in the future (God forbid!), but we’re ready to do battle with Silver in our natural remedies arsenal.


Consider these assessments of tops brands by to determine which brand might be right for you. I current have a supply ASAP Silver Solution (this is what cleared my family member’s UTI symptoms). My next silver purchase will be Sovereign Silver due to its glass packaging, which is the recommend packaging for silver products. I also look forward to trying ionic silver (Opti-Silver) in the future.

1. Natural Immunogenics – Silver Hydrosol (Sovereign): “…after 16 years of trying different colloidal silver products, Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics Corp is certainly one of the best of the major commercial brands out there. Sovereign Silver is manufactured in the company’s own private manufacturing facility, under their direct supervision, to their precise specifications, and batch tested for uniformity and quality control before it’s bottled, labeled and sold to the public.”

2. Invision – Silver 100 (Opti-Silver): Ionic. “Opti-Silver from Invision International is also a high-quality, privately-manufactured product that’s quite effective.”

3. ASAP Silver Solution: “ASAP is also privately manufactured, and to date has the most impressive clinical testing behind it. The company even has EPA registration and regulation of some of their topical colloidal silver products.” 

**Be sure to share this post with your loved ones and consider keeping a bottle of silver on hand in your home. Please like my Facebook Page and subscribe to my YouTube channel for upcoming special features and other updates.

The topic presented is for informational purposes. I am not a medical professional and will not be held liable for any natural health remedy you venture into. m’kay? xo

View the original article here

Teva Fuse-Ion shoes. (Ren Man review)

I love Tevas.

I have a pair of the original sandals with the ankle straps.

(Please to not tell him I tried them on)

I don’t know how old they are, but it’s more than 10 years.

(MizFit note: Ive known him for 19. I cant recall a time he didnt have these shoes…)

I still wear them all the time.

I remember when Teva stopped making this style.

I was devastated – not knowing that Tevas are so hardy that I would never need to buy another pair.

(MizFit note: I also recall this.  There was crying involved.  Mine. I wanted a matching pair. A lot.  That day my hopes were dashed.)

I also remember when I thought I’d lost my Teva sandals in a move. 

(MizFit note: I first read this as saying he thought he lost them in a movie.  I spent a few minutes pondering why he’d have taken his Tevas off in a movie until I realized that WASNT what it said.)

I was inconsolable that I would never be able to replace them -  finding them was a glorious day.

So I was very excited when Mizfit told me about a new Teva lace-up shoe

(MizFit note: love is patient. love is kind. love lets love get new shoes even though she kinda wants the Teva Fuse-Ions too.)

I really like the way they look – very stylish.

(MizFit note: HIGH PRAISE.  Ren Man may now have a grown-up job, but he spent years selling fancy men’s clothing in NYC).

They are also very comfortable, but I prefer wearing socks with them as I found the material around the toes to be a little abrasive on my bare feet.

They provide good support and don’t slide around when youre running around.  (…chasing a Tornado of a girl).

They are made for water and are great for a romp in the river.  The only problem is that they look so good I don’t to get them dirty by wearing them in a muddy swamp.

 MizFit note: 

I giggled when I saw the Teva Fuse-Ions were billed as: “The highest performing water shoe you would gladly wear to the bar.” 

Given our lifestyle these shoes are PR-perfection. 

The water we’d most likely to be covered in comes from water BALLOONS or a small creek & the drains in the Teva  Fuse-Ions keep Ren Man’s new shoes light and non-sloggy.

The bars we shimmy up to these days more likely proffer PROTEIN SHAKES than PROTEIN ‘TINIS (is that a thing? should we make that a thing? did I just share my million dollar idea?!) and Ren Man has definitely worn his new Fuse-Ions there.



FTC the shoes were free.  The fact I couldnt help but jump in during the husband’s guest post is all my own issue.

View the original article here