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Friday, July 27, 2012

We’ve gots new FREAK FLAGS (Mad Pax giveaway)

Last years Mad Pax birthday present.

We like Shrek the movie(s).

We LOVE Shrek the Musical.

It’s cute, filled with catchy tunes & it’s a show all of us adore which isnt always the case.

The Tornado & I, however, share the same favorite song.

The first time we saw the musical she immediately leaped to her feet & sang & danced & shrieked with wild abandon.

And it freaked me out a bit (upcoming pun not really intended)


Apparently I truly am a misfit guttermind as the song initially made me think FREAKY as in KINKY as in, well, you know where my mind went.  If you’ve never heard the song I highly recommend watching.

It’s EARWORMtastic.

As we exited the theater, both of us singing about our FREAK FLAGS, I stopped to ponder what on earth a FREAK FLAG was.

What the heck we were waving and never taking down.

Stopping singing long enough to pose…

The longer I ruminated the more it dawned upon me the concept of FREAK FLAG for me is almost defined by what it is not:

It is not “in your face” merely for the sake of being IN!YOUR!FACE!  I like to think we’ve all done this.  Perhaps only in our youth–but action or attitudes intended to shock, horrify and annoy.  Many people assume my TATTOOS are this.  They’re not.  Which leads me to…Your Freak Flag is NOT necessarily how you look. Once upon a time I met a woman who appeared, to my judgmental eye, exactly as I imagined Stepford Wives to look.  I assumed she’d be boring, uptight & we’d have nothing in common.  Holycrapballs was I wrong. She & I became closeclose friends & I quickly learned her Freak Flag made mine look like the tiny flags suck in club sandwiches.  Your Freak Flag is not necessarily connected to your exterior.It’s not rebelling.  Unfurling and flying that Freak Flag HIGH has absolutely, entirely nothing to do with angst or rebellion.  Period.  It’s self-love and self-confidence at its finest.

So what in the heck is a Freak Flag?

To me it symbolizes:

Feeling good about and at peace with who you are.  It’s being Unapologetically Yourself whether that be a tech geek or a member of the marching band.  It’s that sense of feeling *wholly* comfortable in your own skin which emanates from within. It is KNOWING  you are enough precisely as you are.It’s being transparent.  It’s living authentically without hesitation or fear.  It’s letting others see who you are and what you are about.  It is PRIDE in your authentic self & waving that authenticity for all to see.A reminder NOT to harshly judge other people AND also NOT to judge yourself.

Why do I even bring this FREAKY-concept up on a healthy living blog?

Because flying your freak flag allows you to fulfill your life’s purpose and relax into who you are meant to be.

Because it’s amazing, when we do the work to discover who we are really are and are fully honest with ourselves, all things (including health fitness and weight loss) finally click into place.

As a thank you for indulging my FREAK FLAG musings (am I alone in finding this fascinating?) I have a treat for you.

From me.  To celebrate 43.**

A chance to win a new.bumpier. FREAK FLAG like ours:

We love our new Mad Pax backpacks.

You can be entered to win a BUBBLE HALF PACK for the low low price of a comment below.

Have you unfurled your Freak Flag yet?  How have you shown the world your *authentic* self?If you still haven’t yet: what’s holding you back??

**yada yada yada no FTC diZclaimer.  The treat is from the Tornado & me.  USA and CANADA only.  Winner announced 7.20.12

View the original article here

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