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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bikini Body Blaster! 20-Minute Tailor Made Workout (with video) For All You Beautiful People Out There

I’m an extremely lazy busy woman. And that means on some days, I have less than 30 minutes to put in work for the Bikini Body Challenge. I shared this time squashing problem with the man-blogger that is Rog Law (who is also a Personal Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach) and forced asked him to create a tailor-made workout for the people of YumYuckytopia (that’s you and me) that can be done in as little as 20 minutes. So are you ready to workout!?

Watch Rog in this quick 2-minute video tutorial that showcases all the moves, then read on for his full explanatory breakdown of the workout.

Bodacious Bikini Body Blaster

When it comes to working out consistently, finding enough time is one of the main hurdles that most people face, but have no fear for I am here to help! The following workout requires no fanciful equipment or major investment of your time, so as long as you’re willing to kick it up a few notches for the entire session, you will be handsomely rewarded for your efforts. Alright Yuckers and Yucketts, no more chatting – it’s time to get your sexy on!

The Workout: Starting with A (below), perform each exercise in order for the prescribed number of reps, taking only as much rest as you need to before moving on to the next one. Once you reach the end, cycle back through the exercises again until the allotted time expires. Make sure to mark down how many total reps of each exercise you perform and aim to beat this number the next time you repeat this workout. Rest 2 minutes before moving onto the next series and repeating the same process.

Here is a breakdown of how this would look:

A (10 – 15 minutes)

Elevated Torso Pushup – 5 repsGoblet Squat Presses – 5 squats + 5 press = 1 rep (5 reps total)Seal Jumping Jacks – 25 repsLeg Lowering – 5 each

Rest 2 Min

B (10 – 15 minutes)

Mountain Climbers – 20 each legHalf Kneeling Curl To Press – 5 each armStability Ball Deadbugs – 5 each sideWeighted Glute Bridge – 5 reps

Rest 2 Min

C (5 – 10 minute bonus round)

Squat Uppercut – 5 each sideAli Shuffles – 15 per foot

The Weight: For all of the weighted exercises, start with a weight that you think that you could only do 10 times with good form and adjust accordingly if it’s too heavy or light. You’ll notice that you’re only doing 5 reps with that weight, and that’s by design. By the time you get towards the end of the workout, you most likely won’t even be able to perform the 5 reps that you started out with, and that’s fine. Only do as many reps as you can with good form.

Exercise Form Notes

Mountain Climber: Work to minimize badonkadonk bouncing. Keep it as still as possibleLeg Lowering: Make sure to keep your core tight so that your low back is pressed into the floor during the entire movement. Try not to let the leg that you aren’t lowering move at all.Deadbugs: Make sure to keep your core tight so that your low back is pressed into the floor during the entire movement.Weighted Glute Bridge: Only go as high as squeezing your butt will take you – don’t excessively push your hips through in order to use your lower back.Elevated Torso Pushup: Keep your core tight and don’t allow your hips to sag when performing the movement. If it’s too hard or too easy, adjust the height of the incline accordingly.

Now go forth into the world and conquer, but don’t forget to come back here and let me know how badly this workout kicked your buttcheeks!

Rog Law is committed to your Sexification. For your weekly dose of fitness fun, wacky antics and more information on how to take your life into your own hands, follow @RogLaw on Twitter and check him out at

View the original article here

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