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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Why I exercise intuitively.

ahhh over-trained youth. ahhh over-trained youth.

I became an intuitive eater long before I tapped into the notion of intuitive exercise.

For some reason I was able to trust my body’s “knowing” with regards to food yet was slow on the proverbial uptake with heeding its messaging about workouts.

I created a workout plan. I followed said plain. Period.

I do think some of missing the intuitive exercise message happened because of LOVE.

I met the weights.  I was smitten with the weights.  I felt strong and powerful when hoisting the weights.  I ignored my body’s cues to back off & rest from the weights. 

It took another kind of love (the groovy kind. the child kind.) for me to realize the power of intuitive exercise.

I changed.

I never looked back.

Here’s why.

It’s  how I already live.  Mindfully. Daily.  I start with meditationI eat.  I segue to work (my approach is still mindful).  Why would I change when it comes to exercise?  With hindsight this makes sense.  When I was deep in the throes of not deviating from my “program” no matter how fatigued it would have sounded crazy.  We know–when we’re honest with ourselves–if we wanna skip a workout because we’re feeling lazy or our bodies need the rest.  Ive already done the over-training thing…and it sucked (technical term).  I didnt know much when I first started exercising.  I lifted & GREW. I lifted more more more & shrank (muscle) and held on (to body fat) and grew (exhausted, crabby, sleepless).  If Id have listened to my body back then Id never have over-trained.The older I get the more rest I require.  This could just be me or it could be common—but all that matters is Im heeding my body’s signals.  Sure, Ive been tempted to get caught up in the internet hype.  Challenges! Competitions!  People exercising twice a day!! yet I force myself to stop, be silent and listen to what my body needs.  Life is my sport.  I might *look* better if I exercised longer/harder—but I wouldnt feel better & that’s what’s important to me.
Im a misfit.  A rebel.  Ive shed the MUSTurbation in favor of trusting myself.  Living intuitively is all about trust.  It’s creating a life routine which consists of doing/eating/whatever’ing a variety of things whenever your body seeks them.  Exercise is no many days my body seeks playful, gentle fitness

None of the above means I love all exercise (although Im far more CARDIOsmitten since I discovered the Street Strider).

For me it means exercise —whether Im sluggish or super motivated–is never a punishment & always a gift to my body.

And you?

Have you spent time discovering what your body wants with regards to movement?Do heed your body’s messages of exhaustion/pain?Have you considered your WHY behind exercise lately?

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