Ladies! I hope you know it. Muscles and good looks are NOT the epitome of man-sexy. I’ve come across a ton of aesthetically eyeball-pleasing men that were total douche bags. Tell me you haven’t.
A good looking douche bag is the ugliest man of all. But man-sexy has no physical requirements. Tall or short, chunky or lean, bald or with hair… they all qualify to hold the title of man-sexy if they come correct with the proper credentials.
List of sexy credentials that have absolutely nothing to do with male fitness or physique:
1. He’s Good With Tools: There’s nothing worse than man that can’t bang a hammer, swing a wrench, or put together a piece of equipment that comes with 300-pages of “self assembly required” directions. If he says “I can’t”, “I don’t know how”, or “I won’t”, then he is not man-sexy. He at least has to try. Ladies, if you are single and he doesn’t own a decent set of tools, that’s a classic sign you need to run the other way. You’re either gonna end up paying a repairman, or you’ll have to fix it your damn self.
2. He Takes Charge: Man-sexy men know what they want. But even if he’s not yet reached his full potential, he’s on his way and going after it. He also takes charge in, eh-ummm, other ways, but this ain’t the kind of blog to be discussing such thangs.
3. He Fights Unfair: Meaning, it’s unfair to HIM, not us girls. Don’t we all love to have the last word when it comes to a disagreement? A man that will take the high road and let the woman have the last word sometimes is a wise & sexy man indeed. He will back down from an argument for the sake of keeping the peace when us gals are feeling bitchy or otherwise spitting estrogen-fueled venom in his direction. This kind of unfair man is very sexy.
4. He Will Cook You Food: Are you feeling lazy? Under the weather, perhaps? Or maybe he’s just taking the cooking-reins because he loves you. A man that can get down in the kitchen is a keeper. Give him 5,000 extra sexy points if the food he cooks is actually good — 10,000 points if he serves it to you on a fancy tray while you couch-azz.
5. He Will Kill Bugs For You: And vermin, too. He will also trap vampire bats, chase slithery anacondas out the backyard, and investigate that eerie claw-scratching noise (it’s probably Hogzilla) on the roof of the house at 2am in the morning. Whatever it takes. He will do it. He will keep you safe.
Ohhh, lawd Jesus! These things are very-very sexy-sexy-sexy. There’s other important things I could include, but I had to stop somewhere. Holla at me in the comments to add to this fancy list of man-sexy credentials. And a big shout to all the man-sexy men who are holding it down for their ladies. BOOM!
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