Wow, I’m I already 5 weeks in? That’s crazy!
Remember what I said last week about not feeling like I’m making any progress? Well, I take it back. I’m really starting to feel and see (hello triceps!) results.This week I realized in the middle of my workout that I wasn’t tired, fatigued, or sore. I was just doing it and I felt strong, in shape, even energetic.
This is what we did…
~1/3 mile runRun up a short hill dragging a cinderblock behind with a rope. Repeat 4 times and then return all cinderblocks back to the bottom of the hill. ~1/3 mile run25 JackKnife on exercise ball on the hill. Jackknifes look like this. ~1/3 mile runSand bag pull like this..Note: I would have more videos but it was raining. :(
~1/3 mile runPushup on tire, flip tire, repeat until I hit a certain distance (around 12-15 total I think)~1/3 mile runPull weighted sled (attached with harness to my back) out and back. (all distances were the length of the rope you see in the sandbag video)~1/3 mile run15 kettle bell swings (like this) with 3 different kettle bells (10lb, 15lb, 20lb)~1/3 mile runHit tire with a sledgehammer 15 times each hand~1/3 mile runInsane right? I mean really.. I wasn’t tired after this workout either.. I could have kept going! I’m nodding in disbelief myself. It’s amazing how much progress your body can make if you actually challenge it. I don’t think I would have believed it without experiencing it for myself.
I did this routine with my friend Carrie (the Official FitBloggin’ Photographer by the way.) It was nice to have a partner. I asked Derrick to take our picture after we were finished all soaking wet from the rain and the sweat.

You know the first thing I noticed about myself in that shot? My arm and how fat it looks. Isn’t that stupid? Isn’t it utterly ridiculous? I’m crazy and so mad at myself for even letting the thought pop in my brain.
So many people ask me how to get over the body image issue of weight loss and my response is…
Tell it to shut the hell up and DO what it is you want to do because at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter how you look before you do it, while you are doing it, or after you did it. It only matters that you did.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to get all preachy there at the end. I just know so many people are listening to inner criticism and letting it cripple them. I did for far too long. I refuse to listen to it anymore.
Anyway, I have some fun running news! I’ve registered for the Ocean City Half Marathon on April 28 which happens to be my 11th Year Wedding Anniversary! The husband and I (with our good friends) are going to make a weekend out of it. I’m super excited! It’s just 2 weeks before the tough mudder so I should be ready. I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing!
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