Dear Chobani,
We were homies. We were pals. I fed you to my stomachs daily. All was right with the world. I spread the word about your awesomeness to my wonderful reader-friends who visit the Yum Yucky blog. You gave me free samples to try out. Thanks for that. You provided free product to give away to my readers. I appreciate that, too. And I’ve most certainly spent my own cold hard cash on many of purchases of Chobani at the grocery store. My Greedy Baby sang your praises on video. To this day she still claims that Chobani catapulted her to rockstar fame (no, seriously).
But Greedy Baby will get no more Chobani. And my own praise of you has gone silent.
Why has our friendship turned foe? When I heard that you use milk from cows who are fed GMOs, I thought maybe that was inaccurate. I honestly thought it was a mistake. Chobani is “natural”, after all.
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Sigh. But the news was true. Disappointment set in fast. So I waited. And I wondered how you would fix this problem. Surely you would fix it fast. But you haven’t. I’ve yet to hear of any firm plans you have to come out with a GMO-free line of yogurt. That’s why I was forced to break up with you.
Your Facebook page has become a public relations nightmare. I don’t feel sorry for you.
So now what? Unless you predict to roll out a toxin-free product immediately, I have a few predictions of my own:
Your brand will suffer. It already has.You will continue to get hammered in social media by people who care about this issue.The demand for no-GMOs will spread among consumers. People who are still eating your yogurt right now will catch on to this issue and stop buying your product.You will lose money. You are already are. But it’s going to get worse.Customer loyalty will continue to deteriorate.A growing number of consumers will discover non-GMO brands like Voskos and Stonyfield. These companies will take advantage of your slowness to act on the GMO issue, and rightly so.Chobani will be considered no different than any other company out there who pimps a GMO-laced product; slow to act on providing consumers what they want — NO GMOs!Please fix this problem. Please fix it right now. I really do like the tastiness of your yogurt, but this is the end.
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