The other morning a mom at the Tornado’s school remarked how fit I look.
She then continued on to say: You must workout all the time.
(Aside: You’d be proud. I spared her my whole CONSISTENCY rant *and* yammers about how LIFE IS MY SPORT. Ive noticed people’s eyes tend to glaze over so Im reigning it in these days. Go me!)
In the moment where I paused & considered how to respond the Tornado answered for me:
I smiled (the woman looked perplexed).I paused for applause took a moment to bask in the glow of the fact she GETS exercise can be fun (the mom seized that moment tom give a small wave and beat a hasty retreat)I made a mental note to ‘reward’ her with playground time afterschool (the plan had been to tackle homework *only* that night)She doesnt workout—she PLAYSout!
After school it was drizzling.
After school I snagged an umbrella, walked to pick her up and announced we were staying to play(out) *anyway.*

To my delight the below is what transpired.
Pulling upward.
All her idea.
A *HUGE* weak point of mine & all worked in the name of PLAY and FUN.
Some days motherhood feels easy and rocks.
I give you the short version (100% because I was too busying living not blogging to take any other photos):

I could proffer a grown-up post with specific “working up to your first full pull-up” tips (focus on back exercises in the gym, practice with body rows, segue to assisted pull-ups/negatives) but my point today is to encourage you to just get out there and try!
Whether you have a child or not—make time to find yourself a playground, get PLAYful and give pull-ups a shot.
What do you think?
Are you in to pull-upward on the next horizontal bar you encounter?Do you, too, still love playing in the rain?If youre longing for a more serious guide to pull-ups check out this post over on BonnieLangFitness. Bonnie rocks. And not *just* in the arena of pulling upward.
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