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Thursday, February 28, 2013

14 Yogurt Topping Ideas to Inspire Your Next Snack!

2 weeks ago I started a fun hashtag on Instagram called #DailyYogurt. It’s my way to get creative with snacking while (hopefully) inspiring you to think outside the typical yogurt box.

As I said in my post, Tubs of Greek Yogurt and Bags of Kale Don’t Lie, my journey to eating plain greek yogurt instead of artificially sweetened pre-made cups was a long one, but now, I’m hooked!

I love using creamy yogurt as basis for fun flavor combinations. It gets me eating other healthy things like fruits, nuts and seeds, and really, you can never get bored! I’m NOT saying I’ll never eat another flavored yogurt cup again, but when I’m home and have my pantry at my disposal, I’m a topped plain greek yogurt girl all the way!

Here are 14 of my latest creations starting with a special one for today, Valentine’s Day. :)


A swirl of low sugar strawberry preserves, banana, mini chocolate chips and a small drizzle of chocolate syrup.


My version of honey nut cheerios: cheerios, cinnamon almonds, and honey


Topped with pistachios, dried cranberries and honey.


Topped with ground flax, walnuts, maple syrup, and cinnamon.


Mixed with pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice then topping with pepitas and honey. Click here for more details and nutritional info on GreenLiteBites.


Topped with pear, grated fresh (frozen) ginger and honey.


Topped with cubed apple, a sprinkle of nutmeg, cinnamon, walnuts and honey. It’s like creamy apple pie!


Mixed with a mashed ripe banana and cocoa powder and then topped with frozen blueberries.


Topped with cocoa almonds, graham crackers, banana and honey. So good!


Topped with kiwi, grated frozen strawberry, pine nuts and the tiniest bit of honey


Topped with mandarin oranges and sunflower seeds. No honey needed!


Topped with blackberries, cashews and honey!


Mixed with peanut butter and topped with peanuts and chocolate syrup. Click here for nutritional info and more details on GreenLiteBites.


Topped with banana, cinnamon roasted almonds, cinnamon and honey. :)

As you can see, the possibilities are endless! I’m seriously thinking of starting just for fun. Then I remember how many blogs I have. Doh! Maybe, just maybe someone will sponsor me to do it. *wink* *wink*

Until then (like it will ever happen,) follow along on instagram. I hope to share an idea most days I’m home (i.e. not traveling.) You can also see how much of each ingredient I use if you follow me on MyFitnessPal. Most fall in the 130-200 calories range. Yes, even the chocolate ones! It’s actually pretty easy to do. 1/4 oz of nuts adds just the right crunch when chopped up and drizzling 1/2 tbsp or less of honey ads just the right sweetness.

Have a favorite yogurt topping? Please share! I love getting new ideas.

Happy Yogurt Eating!  :)

View the original article here

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