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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

PLAYouts: Doing the sprinkler.

Juggling is NOT my gift.

To know me is to be aware—especially in the summer—we try really, really, really hard never to WORKout.


Life is too short (and the summer, to my chagrin, too too fleeting) to allow exercise to be yet another arena where we have to toil.  Where we’re forced to (fingerquote) work (unFQ).

As a result, Ive chosen to morph the bulk of my fitness into fun.

I’ve decided I’d much rather laugh & play with the Tornado than force my workouts to fit a traditional mold. (shocking I realize. Im so traditional in all other realms, right?)

Ive talked about our playouts on television.

Ive rambled and ranted waxed eloquently about them in my role as Fila Spokesmom.

And, as with all things my blog, this isn’t just a post it’s how I live.

And, as with all things my LIFE, I wanna drag you into the playout fray & share the three reasons we adore them:

PLAYouts transform fitness into something which brings us TOGETHER.   To my dismay Im super excited the Tornado is finding her own way in the world.  And, as she does, we have more & more individual pursuits.  As a result we both value our playout time because it’s family time with the added bonus of fitness. It’s plain ole FUN.  The Tornado is technically at the age where we could do traditional sports together (I know. I stumbled a bit even *typing* the word traditional), but I’ve decided to follow her lead.  She still wants our time together to be movement of the silly playful, variety and not the ‘formal”  organized sort (hello apple! youve not fallen far from tree).
 It allows her to be the expert.  This facet has become more important the older she’s become.  Six rocks & yet six entails lots of being bossed around (hello kinder!) and many new boundaries, rules and regulations.  When we playout she’s typically the one in charge.  She makes up the games, creates the rules, & shows me how it’s all done.   Being the expert—no matter our age—is empowering.

All of this is on my mind today (or more aptly put *tonight* as I birthday-night-blog freeform) because the Tornado seized our day together to teach me a dance she’d learned at camp.

It was 100 degrees outside & I was more than happy to remain indoors and watch her.

I was wrong.

There was to be no watching involved.

She demanded I get the video camera.

She instructed me to film her & then she’d film me.

I am the one whose 43 year old core is already *sore* from “sprinkling.”

Please to enjoy:

Your 30 second instructional video:

Your insight into my awkward dance moves & weak core:

Yep. That’s it.

That’s all there is to it.

You in?

Joining us?

We’d love it.


View the original article here

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