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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bad Day Binge

I’m having a REALLY bad day. I spend most of my time buried in code trying to figure out a technical problem for a client which is still unsolved. I’m alone with the kids which isn’t bad but, well, you know, it’s harder. I’m leaving for the beach in 2 days (ohh poor me, right?) and my house looks like a bomb literally went off.

I was managing everything pretty well until tonight when I caught myself wanting to steal handfuls of chocolate chips form the bag and dip pretzels in the jar of peanut butter.


Ok, I can’t lie.

I DID steal handfuls of chocolate chips and dip pretzels in the peanut butter jar.

I’m not quite sure that happened. It was like an out of body experience.

Stress eat much?


I totally identify with the article. If you have binge eating tendencies you may find it helpful.

Anyway, it is what it is. I’m trying to focus on the beach. Tomorrow Little Bean and I will be cleaning and packing and then I’ll be spending some good old quality family time. We need it! The Husband has been working nearly around the clock. It’s like crazy deadline time or something.

I did make an awesome dinner and a fun snack today. Both of which I’m planning on getting up on GreenLiteBites. Check them out…

oh! and I just posted this fun Avocado Orange Salsa…

avocado orange salsa

Click here to check it out.

Ok, let me sum up this post for you so far.

Food, food and, oh… umm… gee…. more food.

Obsess much?

Wow. I’m in a mood today, aren’t I?

That’s what too much computer time with no adult conversation will do to ya. ;)

Let me end with something that makes me smile.

This was my view at dinner.

They freakin’ rock!

I can’t wait for beach time with my boys!

Quick note to take care of business… Teresa won the BlogHer tickets! Will be reaching out shortly!

View the original article here

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