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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Five reasons I still love me some Dr. Oz.

Oh people.  I love me some Dr. Oz,  but Ive been burned before.

Allow me to elaborate.

I used to HEART me some Dr. Phil.

Back in the day, when he was merely an occasional guest on the Oprah Show, I was completely smitten with that man.

Id Dr. Phil myself myriad times a day (“Whats the WORST that could happen?”)

Id find myself creating my own wacky Phil’isms (“You see, if a monkey cant read upside down then you should take that job or he might get himself a down pillow!”).

Basically I thought he was smart, stern, wise, and no nonsense.


And then, for me at least, he swiftly went the way of the Springer.

So you can see why I was sad & not excited when my healthy living boyfriend, Mehmet fave Dr. Oz got his own television show.

It seems Oprah has the golden touch—unless said ‘touch’ involves bestowing upon you a 60 minute TV time-slot.

That said, for me and for *now*, Dr. Oz has escaped the Oprah Curse & is still is somewhat of ‘balanced’ healthy living role-model.

Allow me to share exactly why.

His information is clear, concise & easily understood.  I recall seeing him asked once what one unhealthy food we should all completely avoid.  I was nervous & curious what he’d say. Being an intuitive eater I practically define myself by the fact NOTHING is ‘off limits.”  His answer?  Anything white which is not a fruit or vegetable.  Clear, concise, easily followed and YES, even for me, VERY TRUE.He is consistently empathic.  And authentic. I can’t imagine he’s ‘acting’ or as he’d be on the stage/in the movies rather than hanging with us in the healthy living realm.  He possesses an inimitable ability to relate to everyone & discover/find commonalities where there seemingly are none.  All of my favorite bloggers possess this skill, too.  It’s truly a gift.He’s firmly anti-multitasking.  As I am.  Admittedly I should watch his show more (I pinky swear I will when we procure us that extra hour in the day), but Ive heard him say repeatedly how important it is to do one thing at a time, finish that task, and then move on.  Sure he paralleled this to his time as a surgeon (insert joke here he DID NOT MAKE about jumping from body to body mid-operation) but in my opinion this applies to all of us.  I know when I multi-task I end up doing nothing well and rarely completing any task.He believes ‘fitness small stuff’ adds up. (PLAYouts anyone?) In the land where too many trainers & experts advocate long, lingering workouts it’s refreshing to hear him sing the praises of his 7 minute morning workout.   I have nothing against long & lingering, I just know for many of us that isn’t an option. I also know I had many clients skip workouts because they didnt have a a full hour to dedicate to exercise.  Im anti-SKIPPAGE.He validates my repetitiveness, err, consistency.  My morning meal tends to be the same.   I love my breakfast. It works well for me time-wise.  Ive also heard him say people who eat the same things over & over (day in and out) consume fewer calories overall.  Im not sure there’s science here (anyone?), yet I do agree with him when it comes to repetition! Change is good. We need to shake our ‘stuff up’ so we dont plateau, but it’s ok to have  a place in your life where you dont.  It’s fine to have an aspect of your life where you just LET GO AND GET ROUTINIZED!  For me that place is my morning meal.

Im a firm believer in & tell anyone who will listen:

Find gurus! Read books! Buy magazines! Watch movies & television shows! Listen to doctors and professionals around you—but remember, in the last analysis, you are the expert of your own body.

One of the people I listen to/information-gather from is Dr. Oz.

Now you.

Do you love you some Mehmet as I do or have you, as many have, turned on The Oz?

In your mind has he been a victim of the dreaded Oprah TV Show CURSE?

Please to also tell me how much you ADORE I rock the 1980's photo-shop in the picture above.

Edited to say: I just saw on Twitter, where I procure all my information, The Dr Oz show is reviewing the JumpSport Fitness trampoline tomorrow! My yammerings of love above remain, even though The Tornado & I werent invited on the show to share our rebounding wisdom.

View the original article here

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