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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Craptastic Fitness Demands a Spring Cleaning

I was bitchy. Moody. Even feeling a little evil. Almost had a meltdown, too.

“Well, what the hell was your freaking problem, Josie?”

Thank you for asking. It turns out my fitness was staring into the face of Craptastic. I wasn’t getting enough sleep awhile back, and it was causing me all sorts of problems.

I wanted to slap somebody, starting with all the stupid people. I wanted to drop kick the ice cream man in the throat for not driving down my street. I wanted to tell the husband, “wash your own damn clothes!” (might still do that), and I started to slightly not give a damn if I ate too much popcorn and other forms of tantalizing carbohydrates.

Did I mention I almost had a meltdown? All because I wasn’t getting enough sleep.

That’s Craptastic Fitness, ya’ll. You ever teeter on the lines of Craptastic?

I do possess a magical solution that healed me of this ailment. Spring Cleaning! You know, clear out the fitness cobwebs — get rid of shoddy tactics that aren’t working, but you haven’t changed yet. Spruce up the place a bit. Bring some freshness into your fitness so it doesn’t suffer instead. When summer gets here I don’t wanna hear you boo-hooing because your Craptastic ratio is still elevated.

Craptastic Fitness includes but is not limited to…

Not enough sleep.No change in fitness routine to keep the body guessing.Not pushing yourself to the next level.Too lazy to commit to anything beyond easy.Lack of improved food choices (at some point, you just gotta start doing better).Other people/things/situations always taking precedence over YOU.Other Craptastic stuff my brain cells can’t think of right now.

Got any fitness cobwebs hanging? Craptastic is NOT the hot look for summer, so take care of it right now while there’s still plenty of time. If you’re desperate for spring cleaning supplies I’ve got a crusty mop out back you can rent.

View the original article here

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