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Saturday, February 11, 2012

The (pictorial) evolution of my Egg Beaters love.

When we last chatted about beaters we were singing and celebrating.

I announced our partnership & yammed about how Ive loved them forever.

For as long as I can remember.

More than a few of you challenged me on that fact Some of you were curious how long Egg Beaters/Egg Beaters Whites have been around & I wanted to take this opportunity to share how long they’ve been in *my* misfit world.

I’ve repeatedly stated how this is my dream. brand. partnership.  It is and that’s largely in part because I can’t think of a time I didn’t know what Egg Beaters were/use them to cook.

This is me.  It is 1974 & Im turning five.  Egg Beaters are turning two.  My parents have already stocked the freezer with the yellow carton (hello watching cholesterol!).  Around our house it’s thaw, scramble, consume.  Yes. That *is* how we spent the exciting 70's.

(Some of you may recognize Mr McFeely in the photo)

I aged—as did many of the cartons of frozen Egg Beaters.

I’m about ten in the picture (if you’re playing along at home that means ole EB is 7) which means the internet isnt around for another eleven years or so.  Methinks if we’d had access to ANY creative Egg Beaters recipes the yellow boxes would have suffered less from freezer burn.

My life moved ever forward.  Middle school & high school where, to the chagrin of my parents, I decided to become a Foxy Lady Dancer for the school marching band (cue collective groan).

We have already established I cant dance (to this day I have no idea how I was chosen) so I was bound & determined to make up for that  sad fact with my conditioning.

Yep.  Experimenting in the kitchen with the yellow carton was a big part of my fitness-plan.

I was in college here.  I did not eat any remotely healthy foodstuffs Egg Beaters at this time.  ‘Nuff said.

Eventually I left home & lived on my own.  I re-found my healthy living path and grew smitten with the fast easy *cheap* protein contained in the egg white (fats & carbs I could get anywhere. it was the easy protein which was a challenge for me).

I bought & spent ages separating eggs.  I wasted many yolks as Id scramble/use 15+ whites at a time.  I was limited by my separated whites.  I couldnt pour them into a smoothie.  I obsessed over whether they were 1000% cooked.  I broke DOZENS of eggs as I attempted to transport a wriggly infant & my bulk protein purchase home.

Finally Egg Beaters heard my cry & Egg Beaters WHITES were born!!

100% egg whites. Nothing added. Quicker, faster, less wasteful AND pasteurized.

Id love to say And the rest is history! but, People, the fun is just beginning….

This post is sponsored by the amazing Egg Beaters Whites.  The awkward pics from my youth are all my own.

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