While moping around the internet procrastinating work (actually, I’ve been uninspired but that’s another story) I stumbled across RealAge.com.
I’ve been intrigued by this site for years. I think I took my first test in my mid-twenties and my “real age” was over well over 30. It was depressing.
Over the next few years I took it a few more times and it was always told me I was a few years older then what I really was. Although, as I lost weight, changed my diet and got more active, the gap lessoned.
I really wish the site kept archives of past “real ages” because I’d love to see the progression but I can’t find any kind of history on the site.
Anyway, I decided to take the test again tonight and I was SHOCKED at the results…

For those that don’t know, I’m 35. That’s 8 years!
This was the boost I needed. A friendly reminder that the lifestyle I’m leading is worth every bit of hard work, time and compromise it takes.
After I took the test I checked out RunningInTheUSA.com and found a few races over the next few months and registered. Running is my Basketball. No more moping around feeling sorry for myself. If I can’t run, I’ll walk.
If you have an extra 10 minutes (the test is long) take the quiz. In my opinion, lowering that number is a much better goal then trying to beat the scale.
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