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Friday, February 17, 2012

Let’s chat! (Egg Beaters 100% egg whites giveaway).

OK, Protein-People.

Get out your calendars. 

Grab your FiloFax (anyone? Im all about the technology. I love my Google calendar. I still pine for the FiloFax days…)

I come bearing information, freebie-foreshadowing,  and a recipe.


February 16th.  (11 am CENTRAL/Noon EASTERN/9a PACIFIC)

Im hosting a Twitter chat: Easy Changes for Heart Health Month.

Never participated in a Twitter chat? 

Here’s all you need to know about tomorrow and chats in general:

Tweetchat is your friend.  Go to Tweetchat, enter the hashtag EBwhites at the top and you’re in!  TIP: you can do this any time to follow the #EBwhites hashtag not only during the chat.It’s a H.I.I.T. chat.  What I mean by that is we’re going fast & furious for thirty minutes.  Join us during breakfast if youre on the west coast!  Pop in for a lunchbreak if you’re in the central/eastern timezones.  Ive structured a fast paced, fun, *energizing* chat so we all leave after 30 READY to wrangle our day.Completely baffled by all things TWITTER?  No worries.  Here’s your cheat-sheet. Youve got plenty of time to get up to speed by tomorrow.We will all get a chance to HANG OUT in real time and not in blog comments. It will be like a 30 minute mini-chatty FITBLOGGIN12.  COME! COME!

Now if youre anything like I am, whether it’s 9a your time or noon, it’s snacktime.

If all looks pretty (read: there’s a reason Im not a food blogger.  My food *tastes* yummy & looks messy.) I shall share pics during the chat as here’s what I will be eating while I tweet:

Egg Beaters 100% Egg Whites Protein Pancake (A MizFit concoction):

1 cup Egg Beaters 100% egg whites

1/4 cup cottage cheese

1/2 cup dry oatmeal

1/3 cup protein powder (ANY BRAND. Read the label. You can use FLAVORED I choose not to because of unnecessary sugars.)

A smattering of frozen/fresh fruit (or honey. or agave. you get the THIS IS TO SWEETEN idea)

Blend the above concoction in a blender and make like traditional pancakes.

Eat sans-syrup rolled up while you tweet.

Now you.

Baffled by my ability to blend such few ingredients and make a pancake?

Willing to buy me a purple FiloFax even if I only carry it in an homage to the 80's?

Confused at all by the world of twitter chats?

You know what to do…

View the original article here

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