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Saturday, January 21, 2012

It’s time for a DETOX.

Who’s still in the need of some Post-Holiday Detoxification?

*raises hand*

Join me?

Im spending the next week focusing on small steps toward cleansing my body of residual latke sluggishness & mental slowness associated with too much trashtastic movie viewing.

Detox around here doesnt equal cleanse.

Ren Man & I are focusing on lessening (the processed junk, the proliferation of mindcandy) and increasing (energy levels, our ability to think clearly).

As I did with starting our early morning workout routine (small steps to big change) I’ve broken it all down into MizFitManageable chucks.

This way I hope I can stick with it for the full week I know we can all do this for at least for the next 7 days.

Starting small.

Join me in identifying the junk in your life (from beer to Bravo. from donuts to the Duggars).Jot down with me the various ways you could replace the junk in your day. (Or if you wanna start even smaller ADD IN the “good” to what youre already doing!)Commit to one ‘detox’ meal tomorrow (made and eaten at home? made at home & toted to work? regular meal simply sans dessert? it’s all what works for YOU.).Plan and commit to an entire detox day this week (wait. does this make us hardcore?! methinks it could!) & see/journal how it makes you feel.



Please to give me 120 seconds of your time below:

This is definitely “cleanse-lite*” in that we arent consuming quirky shakes or nothing at all in the name of purification.

Which sparked my misfit curiosity:

Have you ever done a hardcore cleanse?  Honestly.Truly. Am I missing out?

Are you willing to join me —-after you get there—- in one FULL ON detox day a week? No alcohol, processed foods or *gasp* caffeine?

Am I wrong in equating the word CLEANSE with, uh, spending lots of time in the bathroom?

*AKA what I know Im willing to do.  Im 100% about setting myself up for success.

View the original article here

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