Remember when I asked the question, “will green tea make my fatty parts melt?“? That’s when I told you about my kids’ chubby Pediatrician who is chubby no more. He credits green tea drinking for his weight loss.
And remember how I shared with you how I incorporate green tea drinking into my Shakeology 3-Day Cleanses with good success?
Welp, I’m not blogging live from the Pediatrician’s office and not currently on a Cleanse, but something interesting is still happening. I started drinking 1 cup of green tea per day since the cold weather is back again. I’m not doing anything else different. And I gotta tell you, that measly 1 cup-o green tea is making me go pee-pee more. Black tea does NOT have this same affect on me.
Turn outs green tea acts as a diuretic. Lots of people have experienced the same pee-peeing thing as me. Is this how green tea partly accomplishes its proclaimed weight loss wonders? Welp, maybe, I guess. Green tea can obviously be good for people who need to let go of excess water weight that no doubt skews the number on the scale.
But there’s more to the green tea weight loss story….
From University of Maryland Medical Center:
Clinical studies suggest that green tea extract may boost metabolism and help burn fat. One study confirmed that the combination of green tea and caffeine improved weight loss and maintenance in overweight and moderately obese individuals. Some researchers speculate that substances in green tea known as polyphenols, specifically the catechins, are responsible for the herb’s fat-burning effect… [full article]
When I hear phrases like “fat burning effect” I tend to get skeptical, but green tea is a natural substance we’re talking about here. Green tea is food for our bodies. And the right food at that! Foods such as this truly have the power to heal, restore and make whole. This is a plus for me since love green tea so much, but which brands I am drinking? There are two green teas I prefer and recommend.
The 1st tea I recommend is Twinings of London Mint Green Tea.
Many green teas can very bold and bitter, but Twinings’ is my everyday tea because it doesn’t have those traits. The mint blend makes this tea experience much flavorful and easy for your taste buds to enjoy. You should easily be able to find Twinings on any grocery store shelf, but if not, you can get it online right here. Just watch the labeling because Twinings also has a regular green tea, so snag the right package. Make sure it says “mint green tea”.
The 2nd tea I recommend is Sencha Organic Green Tea.
Sencha was difficult to find at a regular store. I didn’t find it there at all, actually. I had to drive a few towns over to one of those hippie organic stores to pick up my Sencha. I read good stuff about it online, so I just had to taste it for myself. Although it’s organic, its surprisingly cheap to buy. Sencha
is a full flavor green tea (no mint mix), but it somehow accomplishes a smooth, light flavor with no strong bitterness. It’s perfect!
I’m obviously going continue with my green tea drinking for warmth and leisurely enjoyment, but now I’ll also be paying close attention to how green tea possibly ushers me into my fitness goals faster.
I sweeten my tea with Stevia in the Raw, which you can definitely get at the grocery store. It’s a natural, zero calorie sweetener (not a chemical) derived from the Stevia Rebaudiana plant. But please, don’t buy the Truvia brand of Stevia – it’s got extra stuff added into it.
One word of caution: Drinking green tea on an empty stomach makes my tummy hurt. This may not happen to you, but if it does, just know that you have to eat something first (problem solved). There’s a ton of health benefits to green tea, including cardiovascular health and cancer prevention. Green tea is even linked to flu prevention, so drink up!
Happy tea sloshing, baby.
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