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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Quick Sensational Sunday Bullets With Pictures

We had such a Sensational Sunday I barely have the energy to post about it. SO here’s the cliff notes version with pictures. :)

The morning started slow. I actually had a whole hour to myself before anyone got up. It was wonderful! I decided to get some writing done and posted about kid friendly iPad Games.

Once little man woke up we decided to make Banana Oatmeal Cups with Chocolate Chips which–shameless plug here–is a recipe in my new book!

As you can see we made them in our mess of a kitchen which was chock full of matchbox cars. Those cars amused the 5 year old for about an hour. It was amazing. The muffins baked and cooled. I emptied the dishwasher, enjoyed my daily grapefruit, and set up our new phones all while he stood at the end of the counter with the cars.

I’m simultaneously loving and hating 5. More on that later.

Afterwards we looked thru some new books we bought yesterday. The little guy is in the pre-reading stage so we got him the Scooby-Doo Phonics Box Set

We read one tonight. It’s amazing to watch someone learn to read. It’s totally something I think a lot of us take for advantage.

I finally purchased Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day based on a few recommendations from GreenLiteBites and the husband got some new Lego Mindstorm books….

Did I tell you we crossed the lined into total geek parents? That’s right we are learning to make robots…

Today the husband figured out how to control it via bluetooth with his phone. Both husband and child were running around the house shooting little color balls all over the place. It was hysterical!

Soon it was lunch time. The toddler had some leftover lo mein and I made myself a chicken cheesesteak wrap. It was delicious but none of my pictures came out so I can’t show you. :(

After lunch my friend and I took Little Guy to the Pet Expo at the fair grounds. We spent all afternoon walking around the vendors and hanging out with the animals.

Of course we got some snacks too. :)

When we got home it was time for dinner. We made tacos and then headed out for a family grocery trip. When we got back it was bath and bed for little guy which proved to be a test of wills. It’s hard to explain but I completely lost it with him. He’s been so argumentative lately and I simply won’t stand for a 5 year old talking back to me. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

After I cooled down we had a nice conversation and read a few books before bed. As I said, I’m simultaneously loving and hating 5. He’s fun and smart and just a joy to be around except for when he’s not. I’m sure other parents can relate.

After story I came down to a living room of laundry and a depressed cat…

Just look at her…

The snow and cold are totally crimping her style. She’s been moping around the house for weeks now.

Right now I’m still sitting in that room full of laundry about to fall asleep. It was an awesome day but now I must go to bed. Oh! but NOT before I brush my teeth! ;)

View the original article here

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