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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Weekend Quote: Perfection (rewind)

I’m battling a lot of emotional crap these last few months of pregnancy. Part of me just wants to go away and hibernate but I can’t. I won’t. I’m just being irrational, emotional, and dramatic.

Ugh. I just feel so…


So I went digging in my own archives, specifically the Weekend Quote posts. Like the Question of the Week series I really want to bring back the Weekend Quote consistently. I have so much fun writing them and finding new little gems of inspiration. This week I’m going to repost one from 2008 about perfection… (it made me smile and reminisce which is just what I needed.)

This weekends quote comes from a friend I reunited with at a wedding. We were reminiscing, sharing a drink (ok, ok, many drinks) and having SO much fun. A few times our conversation turned a bit deeper, politics, love, you know, classic drunk talk. :~)

At one point he turns to the husband and I, and says…

"Perfection is found in the imperfections"

At the time, I believe we were talking about people and relationships. How nobody’s perfect but what you fall in love with is actually the imperfections. The whole person, good and bad. Hey… we WERE at a wedding, remember?

Anyway, this line struck me. Think about it, REALLY think about it. What makes us perfect is the fact that we aren’t perfect. When I share my most imperfect moments, like today when ate, ummmm about 2lbs of candy, or when I confessed my girl scout cookie incident, even when I declared my pizza addiction, you guys respond with a great big giant "Thank You". I receive message after message from people that are grateful I shared my imperfections. Why? Well, these are the moments, that make me, me. That make me real.

How many times do we beat ourselves up for not being perfect? For being too short? too fat? having cellulite? small breasts? NOT looking like some airbrushed model in a magazine? Or how may times do you get depressed about eating too much? then eat more because of it? (guilty as charged)

So as I go to bed with a stomach full of Twix and 3 Musketeer bars, I take comfort in the fact that I am NOT perfect. Or, wait, I AM perfect because I’m imperfect! … Whatever! :~) Either way, tomorrow is a new day and I’m ready to face it making the best decisions I can.

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