I normally reserve Tuesday posts for top 10s but honestly, I just didn’t have it in me. I still don’t think I’ve recovered from this weekend! I can’t seem to find my groove.
I guess it didn’t help having a sick toddler (he’s doing much better,) a doctors appointment for myself, and a speaking engagement tonight. Plus the 8 year-old’s Boy Scout troop has two outings this week and my friend has an art opening I really want to get to. ‘Tis the season, I guess. With the holidays coming, I only see more craziness — in a fun way at least!
Anyway, I wrote this post for HumanaVitality and I really wanted to post it here. In it I share my philosophy on how to fit workouts in our busy schedules, which is exactly what I’m doing this week. Today, before my doctor’s appointment I snuck in an hour and yesterday I did something I rarely do, I hit the gym during lunch since I missed my normal early-morning class. Old Roni may have used busy as an excuse. Now I look at it like a challenge.
Anyway, here’s the post. I’ll be back tomorrow for weigh in. I’m really curious how my scale compared to the doctor’s since it was way higher than I anticipated.
Every mom is busy, regardless of how many kids she has or whether or not she works outside the home. There’s always something to do, someone to feed, or somewhere to go. I’m not sure what I did with the time I had before kids, but I sure do miss it!
Now that the to-do list is never ending and my kids have more active social calendars than I do, just getting dinner on the table is a challenge. But there is one thing I do for myself almost daily that many moms may not think they have time to do: I work out.
It doesn’t sound fun or glamorous after a day of wrestling the kids and putting out fires, but exercise helps keep me sane in the insane world of parenting. It’s truly the only time I have to myself with no phone and no kids fighting for my attention. It keeps me fit physically and mentally to better handle the other areas of my life. And, well, it just makes me feel good!
Once you decide to make working out a priority, the biggest challenge you may face is how to fit it in with your already overbooked schedule. That’s right where I’m going to start with my how-to-fit-in-exercise tips:
Make it a Priority
What do you do when the kids join a sports team or an after-school club? You put the meeting dates in the calendar. Treat your workouts the same way. Schedule your workout time in advance to make sure you are making the time. Look through the week, find the holes and fill them with workout reminders.
Click here to read the rest of the tips on the HumanVitality Blog.
Full disclosure: I was paid to write the HumanaVitality post; all opinions expressed are my own.
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