Tomorrow I turn 37.
I’m sure everyone who has ever turned 37 feels the way I do right now.
When did this happen?
Not only am I not in my 20s anymore, I’m pretty darn close to 40!
Is this really happening?
Yes it is, and I’m totally over the whole age thing.
Comparing 27 to 37, I’d take 37 in a heartbeat. I’m happier, more confident, and content. I’m thinner, which is a total byproduct of my lifestyle. I’m more fit and energetic. I do more despite having more responsibilities. And I have two amazing kids!
Last year I wrote a Birthday Bucket List so I thought it would be fun to revisit it, give some updates and possible add to it as well. So here goes …
Update: Passport obtained!! Click here to read the post.Hike in the Grand Canyon.As cheesy as it sounds, skydive preferably with one/all of my boys but I won’t force them to do it.Visit the Redwood Forest.Publish a book (note: I’ve self published but I want to traditionally publish)Launch a Travel Blog.
Update: Launched The UnWordly Travelers last August!Be financially independent (My goal is to support my family doing only things I love and want to do, like this!)Start some type of non-profit to help people in some way. Not sure what that “way” is yet but I know it will come to me.Take the ultimate American road trip with my boys coast to coast.Take a cooking class just because.
Update: I did it AND brought The Husband along. It was great! Click here to read about it. Train for and run another marathon. This time completing it in under 5 hours. Preferably the NY Marathon but it’s not a necessity.Sing karaoke, alone and OWN IT. This scares the CRAP out of me. I can’t carry a tune to save my life.
Update: I DID IT!!! At FitBloggin’ this year. I’m sure there is a video but I don’t want to see it. lol Honestly, it was really fun even though I suck. I may even do it again. OH! and I chose “One Way or Another” by Blondie. :)Write a children’s book.
Update: In Progress! Working on the illustrations with David!Take my Mom to Italy.
Update: This was the highlight of the year for me. Click to see how I surprised her on Christmas. Take a rock-wall climbing class and get certified to belay.See the Northern Lights.Throw a big reunion party for all my college friends. I miss them dearly.Host a double elimination Beer Pong tournament in my garage. Note: May be combined with item above.Spend a week on a guilt-free spa vacation.Go scuba diving NOT snorkeling but SCUBA diving. I want to see a coral reef!See an iceberg.Take martial arts lessons.Host FitBloggin’ on the West Coast.
Update: DONE! FitBloggin’13 was in Portland this year!Be on or work with the Food Network in some way .Be present with my kids while they are kids and do my best to raise them to be responsible, happy adults.
Update: In progress. Always.Take a creative writing class.Take a class at Penland School of Crafts. See the stars and milky way in the night sky uninterrupted by city lights.Do 2 pull ups in a row. Note: I did one once and it took me months of training. WHY are they so friggin’ hard?!Visit Australia alone. I can’t explain why, I just want to.Hike to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.Audition for a Reality Show. Oh wait, I did that already! Surprise my neighbors with New Year’s gifts.Master my camera and take a breathtaking photograph that people want to hang on their wall.Make a video that goes viral on YouTube.Plan a romantic transatlantic cruise with The Husband.Take The Boys to Legoland.Plan an official 5k event.See as many of these movies as possible.Go to Comic-Con International.Take the boys to see the Statue of Liberty.Spend a FULL day in bed watching movies with the Husband.Teach/Inspire as many people to cook as I can.
Update: In progress on GreenLiteBites. :)Build something useful with my hands.Have a conversation in another language.Get another tattoo.Collaborate on a project with the husband. We have tons of ideas.Never stop living consciously and continually add to this list.
New for 2013…Run 2 Tough Mudders back to back
Update: Mission accomplished! Click here to see the video. Now I’m considering putting The World’s Toughest on my list but I’m not sure I’m ready to commit yet.Compete in an unscaled CrossFit competitionRun at least one adventure marathon. The Great Wall Marathon is at the top of my list.
I’m only adding three things this year, one of which I already completed. I want to make more progress on my original list before I go really crazy. ;) I’m super excited about the progress I made on this list so far! There are a few more in my sights for this year, too.
Making and checking in on a bucket list really helps keep things in perspective. I know I accomplished a lot of these things because I committed to them on paper. I’m tired of talking, I’m in “do” mode now.
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