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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Inner Thighs Workout

Those darn thighs. They’re a nagging trouble zone for a lot of us wonderful peoples. Including me! Let’s work our thighs, baby. Let’s get ‘em sleek & sculpted together…

Inner Thighs: FULL WORKOUT

There are two rounds in the circuit. Each round consists of 4 inner thigh exercises:

10 reps frog legs onto tip-toes10 pulses elevated side leg lifts (then switch sides)8 reps leg scissors pulse (3 low-end pulses, then legs up, equals 1 rep)8 reps low-end plie’ pulses (3 low-end pulses, then stand up, equals 1 rep)


1. Frog Legs onto Tip-Toes: With legs a little more than shoulder width apart, crouch down to assume a frog position. Then stand up onto tip-toes. This will require you to balance by engaging your core and keeping your legs strong. To modify the move, go down only as far as you can and/or do not go onto your tip toes on the way back up to standing.

thighs Inner Thighs Workout2. Elevated Side Leg Lifts: Lay on your side with legs at a slight 45-degree angle. Place your top leg behind you in a bent-knee position. Lift hips up off the floor and begin an 8-count pulse with the other leg. Because your hips are off the floor, you will need to engage your core to stay stable and prevent from falling over.  For the leg that’s bent, drive that heel into the floor and keep your leg tight. Your bent leg will also feel it in the inner thigh. To modify the move, keep your hips on the floor. Be sure to switch sides to work the other leg for an 8-count.

3. Low-End Pulse Leg Scissors: Lift both legs up at 90-degree angle. Open legs wide with your heels slightly pointed in and pulse the legs in the low-end position for a 3-count. Bring your legs back up and your cross the ankles, left over right. This is one rep. Complete the 3-count pulse again, this time, crossing with the ankle, right over left, when you bring the legs back up. To modify the move, pulse down once (instead of 3 times) before you bring your legs back up.

4. Dumbbell Plie’ Pulses: Legs wide and feet at 45-degree angle (or more, if it’s comfortable). You will naturally have a slight bend forward as you plie’ down, but don’t hunch your back or lean over too much. Keep your neck in line with spine and engage your core. Pulse down 3 times as you lower the dumbbell. As you come back up, raise the dumbbell for a bicep curl, being sure to keep your elbows by your sides. To modify the move, ditch the dumbbell and/or pulse down once (instead of 3 times) before you come back up.

For more of a challenge on any of these move, increase reps and/or pulses, but do NOT sacrifice good form for higher reps.


v 10-pound dumbbell (or heavier) for plie’ pulses. I used a 20-pound dumbbell.


Healthy sources of protein are necessary for muscle building and muscle recovery. Greek yogurt, protein powder, eggs, beans, chicken, fish, lean cuts of beef and Shakeology are all excellent sources of healthy protein. But go easy on that cheese!


View the original article here

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