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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why You Shouldn’t Make Weight Loss Your Primary Goal

Please to welcome our friend, COACH CALORIE.  Im a huge fan of Tony and his fantastic staff of writers…

Are you trying to lose weight?

There’s nothing wrong with that. Weight loss is a goal for millions of people every year.

However, what most people tend to forget is that weight loss is a side effect of living a healthy lifestyle. If you can stop focusing on the day to day struggles of losing weight, and instead focus on changing your body from the inside out, you’re going to be much more successful in the long term.

You might not be able to see it yet on the outside, but every time you turn down processed food, drink a glass of water, go for a walk, or do any other healthy activity, you are changing your body on the inside. That is where weight loss starts – on the inside. This isn’t liposuction where you suck the fat off your body without changing what’s going on inside of it. True change happens internally – mentally and physically.

You might not be able to see the fruits of your labor yet, but every time you exercise you’re improving your hormonal profile. You’re improving your insulin sensitivity. You’re priming your body and creating a favorable metabolic environment for fat loss. You’re reducing stress, and you’re improving hundreds of other health markers like cholesterol and triglycerides.

Every time you choose whole foods over processed foods you’re reducing your risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. You’re making your joints, bones, and ligaments stronger. You’re giving yourself more energy, and you’re setting good examples for the people around you.

So you’ve been eating healthy and exercising for a month and you haven’t lost a pound? So what. The weight will come off when it’s ready, but not a moment before then. However, it will come off. It always does when you’re living a healthy lifestyle. Your body is a reflection of what you put into it and how you use it. Eat processed foods and be sedentary, and that’s what your body is going to reflect. Eat whole foods and be active, and your body will become its function.

Put your weight, fat, and every other external marker of good health out of mind for a while.

It’s hard.

I know it is.

Focus your efforts on making good decisions. Get active on a daily basis, even if that means just going for a walk. Do more than what you’ve done in the past. Make a single better nutrition choice every day. Do better. Make progress. Don’t try to be perfect. Every step in the right direction you make, your body will react and make a positive change both on the inside and out.

Before you know it, someone is going to make a comment about how you look healthier, and looking healthy is 100 times more preferable to looking skinny.

I say again, forget about trying to lose weight.

Make a goal of getting healthy. With good health comes fat loss. Feed your body the fuel it needs and get active, and it will start to transform from the inside out.

I promise you this.

View the original article here

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