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Thursday, January 31, 2013

MAKE the time (guest post)

It is a time-honoured tradition, a corker, a classic excuse: “I don’t have the time”

It doesn’t even have to apply to exercise (but it often does).

For a large portion of my life I have viewed this as a perfectly legitimate excuse……that was until last week.

Let me set the scene, I was talking to a friend about doing a 70.3 triathlon and the training involved, when I asked if he had the time – to which he said, “if I don’t have the time, I will make the time”.

Make the time. It is so simple, but is something that many are hesitant to do. As Eric Thomas said in his inspirational speech: “some of you want to sleep more than you want to be successful”.  I find this idea of ‘making time’ to be incredibly poignant, and something that is very applicable to fitness.

Again, success does not necessarily have to be winning a race, or making a million, it is anything that you want to do. It just takes a little bit of commitment.

I love playing sport and exercising, I find it very enjoyable – and I know I am not alone in this. People do want to get fit.

So if you are one of these aspiring individuals, make a commitment to yourself and make it happen. No excuses.

Apply this to running or going to the gym in the evening.

“I don’t have the time”.


How many of us get home from work stressed, feeling lethargic and sit on the sofa for an hour before cooking? I know I used to.

If you are committed to exercising you will get home, you will drop off your bags, change and get out the front door within 5 minutes.

45 minutes later you can get back, have a shower and start cooking at the same time you would have if you had sat on the sofa.

Who feels better at 8pm when they are cooking– the person that watched mindless crap on TV or the person with invigorating endorphins flowing through their body after exercise?

Its the same for those who get up an hour earlier to start their day with a gym session, run or swim. They are the ones who for some reason are happy/smug on the tube in the morning. They haven’t made excuses.

They have made the time and are reaping the benefits.

People also complain about the amount of time it takes to do a workout.

Again, this is not necessarily true.

So again, no excuses. If you don’t know how to be time efficient then get reading and researching!

The funny thing is that hard work seems like such a chore before you do it.

But if you just get on with it and don’t waste time, you will feel that much better. Productivity is key – there are seconds, minutes and even hours to be saved throughout your day.

Don’t faff.

This time adds up and allows you to do whatever it is you have chosen to do. Nike has been trying to tell the masses this secret for years….Just Do It.

The musings and ramblings of Dan Millington, natural fitness, outdoors enthusiast and blogger can be found at GO CAVEMAN!

View the original article here

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