Stilettos and Self Defense, Vol. 2: I FREAKING LOVE THIS DVD! Sorry to use the caps lock, but I’m trying to express myself. M’kay?
I’ve toyed with the idea of taking a self defense class. But first ya gotta find a class. Then you gotta shell out the cash to pay for it. And THEN you have take out the time to actually attend the class. Sheesh.
But now you can be that sexy girl who’s fashionable in heels, cute, and learns to kick ass in the comfort of her own home.
Whether you’re fending off a random perpetrator who wants to kidnap and potentially assault your sexy bawwdy, or perhaps strike back against a crazy female bitch who wants to take a cat fight to the fatal-injury level, or God forbid it’s some type of domestic violence situation… you need to defend yourself and kick ass when the kicking is required.
Either for yourself, or if you know a young girl, a gal in college, or any other chick that needs to stay safe and protected, you gotta put this one into your DVD library.
It’s brought to you by Jennifer Cassetta, a martial arts black belt and self defense guru. Jennifer was the victim of a street assault herself. In the DVD, her passion for self defense and empowering us women to protect ourselves is pretty dang evident. She’s a fabulous teacher.
Jennifer instructs 5 chicks in the DVD, all of whom are wearing heels. This helps to put a “real life” twist on how we might actually be fighting back in a physically violent situation. The DVD is very organic, meaning, not a lot of bells & whistles or fancy production, which isn’t needed anyway. There’s good information and getting straight to the point into the nitty gritty of why you’re viewing the DVD in the first place.
check out this quick video clip
ABCs of Self Defense: to decrease your chances of ever being attacked.3 rules of the fight4 common attacks every women is vulnerable toyour body as a weapon3 main targets to attack on your perpetratordemonstrations and drills: the “hands on” part to practice your technique on a willing volunteer.On a personally entertaining note: I very much like how Jennifer endorses the use of your stiletto-heel to smash into the ballz of your perpetrator. Ball-smashing is super entertaining.
So there ya have it. Recruit a friend and use them for target practice as you do the video. Aside from enhancing your own safety, Stilettos and Self Defense, Vol. 2 is also a must-have for gift gifting. My college-daughter-kid will be getting a copy for her own video library.
Many thanks to the stiletto peoples for throwing me this DVD to try out. Check out for more info.
Ps. You don’t need actual stilettos to benefit from this video. Worn out sneaks, flip-flops, shoes with holes, or crusty bare feet will also suffice.
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