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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A day in the life of a misfit

First off, my life is very boring remarkably sedate.

*I* love it, sure, but the mere telling of my day may be enough to put you early morning blog readers *back* to sleep.

That’s precisely the reason Ive ignored you Ive taken so long to respond to yer queries of:

what’s a typical day like for you? I think I’d love to work from home!

And yet, in these waning days of my ATX routine, I really am loving it more than ever. Im treasuring the *routine* of it all.

As a result I decided—in dual role of answering your questions & documenting for me the ‘way I used to do stuffs” for after I launch my new Bay Area lifeto PHOTO BOMBARD YOU.

My day. Sans-meals (there’s a reason Im not a foodie blogger). Semi-disjointed. Pretty much how it all goes down. DAILY.

First thing. First appointment. Pre-coffee.

skull coffee mug, coffee maker, espresso maker Heaven.

lap top WorkWorkWorkWorkWork.

recumbent bike 30 minutes and GO!!!

Play restaurant before bus.

Play princess before bus.


Crown the new King.

Race outside.

Play outside.


lap top WorkWorkWorkWorkWork.

gym Sometimes this…

turkish get up Usually this…


lap top WorkWorkWorkWorkWork.

triceps Move a little.

diet soad Caffeinate a little.**

Pack a lot.

Happy bus stop wait

Watch budding friendships…

the green nut, WONDERFUL pistachios Snack time!

lifetime fitness, lifetime fitness locker room Love up the…

…child time.

meal prep time.

get *child* ready for bed time.

wake Husband up for marriage time.

more snack!

more pack!

lap top more work!

a misfit sleeps here.


Are our days alike? Do you workfrolicplayworkandLOVEUPTHOSEYOULOVE, crash, and then git up to do it all again?Are you, like I am, the LAST person anyone would ever ask to be a foodie blogger?

DiZcLaImEr: joyful consumption of diet coke was an integral part of my day until it was ripped from my hands when I went unprocessed twenty six days ago. Not that Im counting.

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