I’ve been in a punchy mood and this email set me off…
Please check out our 100% All-natural “1 capsule a day weight loss”… No dieting or exercise, recommended by a Pharmacist and Dr. of Natural Medicine, 100% all-natural and safe with 100% money back guarantee!!!! We are experiencing dramatic effects on MANY people who have struggled with weight in the past. This truly works & we want to help as many others as we can to achieve their goals & dreams! We love the people, the product & the company! It is truly a WIN WIN for everyone! Would you be willing to try a free sample & see for yourself?
Lets dissect shall we?
100% All-natural
So are poisoned berries. Doesn’t mean I should eat them.
“1 capsule a day weight loss”
Weight loss form a capsule? Doesn’t sound so natural.
No dieting or exercise
SO you don’t recommend I eat healthy and move more?
Recommended by a Pharmacist and Dr. of Natural Medicine
Really? Then it MUST be safe! <--sarcasm. Of course.
100% money back guarantee
Is it just me or the only products that give this guarantee are shady?
This truly works & we want to help as many others as we can to achieve their goals & dreams
Seriously, there is no magic pill. We know this right? We know it comes down to eating less and moving more. And don’t tell me it’s not that simple. It IS THAT SIMPLE. I didn’t want to hear it 70lbs ago either, but when I finally stopped looking for an excuse and putting it into practice, it worked.
I’m not arguing we’ll all be Victoria Secret models because we cut a few calories and go for a walk, but we will be healthier, leaner and more active. Clean the crap out of your diet. Get off the couch. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Live the life you want to live. No excuses.
It’s hard but damn, it’s worth it. <– I wrote that post 4 years ago and it’s still hard, but every day I see, feel and experience the result of that hard work.
I’m never going back to a time when an email like that will seduce me.
Rant over.
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