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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sprint Intervals to Melt Your Fatty Parts (Home Workout #9)

This workout is NOT designed as high-mileage. Depending on your fitness level, choose either 1 or 2 miles. Sprinting intervals provides MAJOR intensity, so there’s no need for a long run. If you’re a wild person and decide to go for additional mileage (are you kidding me?), it’s really unnecessary and might slay you, so don’t come looking for me if you keel over from excess-mileage.

You should know beforehand how far it is to the end of each mile. Use your Garmin Forerunner, map it out online, or drive the course first to determine your one-mile marker. You could also head over to a school track. Four times around the track is one-mile.


Walk approximately 1/8 of a mile to reach the interval starting point of your choice. Then perform some light stretches prior to your run.

1-mile Sprint Interval (round 1): Start your Interval Timer on the “stopwatch setting” and begin with a medium-paced jog for approximately 45-60 seconds. Then switch it up with a sprint for approximately 20 seconds. Alternatively (this is what I do), choose neighborhood landmarks, such as intersections, street signs, houses, or roadkill to dictate your interval switch-up points. Continue the intervals until you have completed a 1-mile run.

Interval break: Walk for approximately 1/8 mile. Do NOT skip this break. Unless you’re a decorated Olympian, it’s recommended that you take this quick interlude for extra recovery before starting the 2nd round (mile 2) of sprints.

1-mile Sprint Interval (round 2): Reset your timer and begin second round of 1-mile Sprint Intervals.

Now it’s recovery time! Do NOT skip out on proper recovery. Lightly jog or walk back home for a good stretch, then hydrate and re-fuel properly. Record your mileage time in your workout log.

Fitness expert and Yum Yucky reader, Emergefit, said it best when it comes to this type of workout: 

BOOM goes the dynamite!


View the original article here

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