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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Question: Praying for what we dont want!

(it’s like Jeopardy up in herre today!)


What is worrying?

(Get it right? Please to bestow upon yerself the prize of skipping this post & have a happy zen-filled FRET-FREE Thursday)

Years ago, at a yoga instructor certification course, a woman made the above comment to me when I expressed concern about a situation.

For me the sentence was life altering.

I wasnt an active worrier, but was already a big believer in the law of attraction.

It made perfect sense to me that by focusing on precisely what I did not desire (Please dont let my plane be delayed. I need to get home.  Ive a deadline to nail) I was essentially praying (or attracting if youre not one for prayer) for the event to transpire.

And, when I say life altering moment, I mean it from my core.

Ive had relatively few of these AhHas! (this was another) & this one 100% shifted my life-view.

The conundrum was I still had lottsa frets & worries in my head and I needed something productive to do with them.

I give you MizFit’s Top Two Tips to Avoid Praying For What You Do Not Want.

Ask yourself if the worry is helpful or productive?

Is this a worry where you can take action and mitigate it?

Is this a fret where your attention could bring about a ‘better’ outcome?

Indeed worry and then ACT. 

Is this a fear-based worry where the matter is out of your hands (this is/are the majority of mine)?

Make 2012 the year where you work the muscle of LETTING GO of what you can not control. For some this is let go let G-d for others it’s merely letting go.  Use trial and error to find what works for you.

Create a dedicated worry place or time.

While this sounds silly (& against the whole notion of the law of attraction) it works for me.

I found, like any major life change, my ability to let go of worrying was a process not an overnight!success!

As a result I needed to create a way to manage my frets until I could (can? tomato tomaaaahto) re-train my brain to release them in general.

Some find dedicating a specific amount of time per day to addressing worries translates into the frets not invading the other 23.5 hours (or however long you choose).

For me a more tangible approach was needed.

Until I re-trained my brain to fret-less as a habit, I wore a necklace pouch. (The sort more earthy types carry crystals in.) During the day, when a worry threatened to derail my thinking, I wrote it on a small piece of paper & placed it in the pouch.

Not only was I able to ‘let the fret go’ it served as a tangible indicator, as the weeks progressed & the pouch was less full at days end, of my new way of thinking becoming a habit.

(Takes a moment, focuses & does not let herself worry if anyone is still reading)

confession: Most of my posts start out longlong & only make it to my blog after being trimmed down so much they resemble insert joke here about newly shockingly skinny celebrity. This post began as even longer & this version is indeed the Kelly Osborne Post-Dancing With the Stars revision.  That’s how life-altering this concept was for me.

And you?

Are you a worrier who has already experienced the AH HA! of setting the frets free?  What tactics/approaches work for you?

Are you Miz or MizTer Footloose & Fancyfree? How on earth did you ever git this way do you maintain your outlook on life?

The above is, indeed, a flashback to another MizFit post.  I had a fresh-from-the-oven post slotted, but since worrying about a loved one is threatening to take over up in herre (& Im focusing on the above concept with the Tornado right.this.very.moment) I decided to share this instead.

View the original article here

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