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Monday, June 25, 2012

Parting is such sweet, 100% egg white, sorrow.

Ahh people.  The time hath come to bid Egg Beaters 100% Egg Whites a fond fond farewell.

Up in herre I mean.

And, even being a misfit who turns down 76.77% of brand-partnership opportunities because they are *not* an organic fit, this has been one of my fave.partnerships.ever.

I celebrated when they picked me because I’d been chasing them for eons always been interested in partnering with them.

Id eaten them for years.  They work for me. 

My body thrives on protein (yours may too!*)I feel better, more energetic, and less prone to mood swings.

I adore how easy Egg Beaters 100% egg whites are to slip into my meals, snacks & car (when the Tornado was little the number of eggs I broke trying to carry *her* and my groceries are immeasurable).

All that said, Im celebrating one.big.thing. even as this brand partnership comes to a close:

It has reminded me yet again how when we practice what we preach–there’s nary a need to say a word.

Ren Man now makes a Meal in a Mug for breakfast each morning and to say this is a ginormous change for the healthy would be a dramatic understatement.

The Tornado had *already* noticed Egg Beaters were my fave food (as per the picture below):

(upper-right corner)

And apparently had a ‘moment’ with her teacher over my Mothers Day card when she insisted I liked my eggs from a “box” and they did NOT have the yellow middle:

(Please dont tell Tornado what they look like.)

I also adore how many stranger-friends now associate me with Egg Beaters.  Reason #19478347 why I never align with a brand I do not fully embrace:

I loved. I loved.

Blather blather love love aside—I wanted to take a moment during this last post and share with you something WE are loving right now:

"The Poach Pod"

(the pod was a gift but Id imagine a google-search would turn up the source? Id also imagine if youre a true “cook” you already know how to poach without needing said pod)

We’ve been poaching the EB whites non-stop around here because it’s something the Tornado can do (practically) by herself and also something she can get utterly creative with.

She’s tried adding cheese, crumbled sausage, veggies, salsa & a few other items (fruit alert! fruit alert!) which didnt go over so well in her mouth.

She pours in the E.B.Whites...

Our breakfast, snack, lunch, whatevers is ready to be topped served:


And that’s where we are on this Wednesday.

Saying farewell, poaching up a storm, and remembering when we practice what we preach theres nary a need to say a word.

And you?

Have you noticed, when you live authentically & act in accordance to your mission/beliefs, people around you cant help but follow?

Have you any tips for the Tornado for her poach-toppings?

Please to hit us up in the comments below.

*Studies are increasingly showing it is PROTEIN which serves to keep us awake & fight the mid-day slump not sugars.

This post is sponsored by Egg Beaters 100% egg whites. As always the rest of the mishegas is all my own.

View the original article here

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