The scale reading this week is pretty much what I expected. After a weekend of drinking green beer and eating birthday cake a slight increase is fine with me. :)
I’ve been feeling a little distant on the blogs recently. Most of my energy is being spent on the boys and the conference while trying to prioritize everything else.
There’s just SO much I want to do that I end up doing nothing at all.
At least that’s how it feels.
Does that make any sense?
It’s doesn’t. I know. I’m just babbling.
Speaking of babbling I recorded a podcast today! It’s a long one. I hope to post it this weekend. Other things I’m working on…
A Multisite Newsletter. Nothing fancy. Just something you can opt in on if you’d like to get 1-2 updates a month from across all my sites. I want to offer it as an option as I know not everyone’s an RSS fan and getting an email every time I post can be quite annoying. My plan is to showcase some of my better content while breathing life into my archives. I’m also thinking of doing fun daily menus using GreenLiteBites ideas and sharing some of my favorite posts from other blogs.
A Book Proposal. Carla and I are *this* close to finishing a traditional book proposal. We even have a literary agent! Not sure where this will all lead but I’m excited about the project and I love working with Mrs. MizFit. :)
New GreenLiteBites Features. SO excited to be partnering with ZipList to offer save recipe and shopping list features! Hopefully it will go live in a week or so.
Toddler Times. I may be stepping down from blogging on Babble. I’ve never really been a traditional "Mommy Blogger" in the sense that I can blog about parenting topics and kids over and over again. I love sharing stories and photos (*cough* did you see how many I posted of Bean eating cake?) but ever since they introduced the slide shows I feel like everyone is just writing list based top 10 crap for pageviews and that’s just not fun for me. I think this may be my last month there. I haven’t decided yet.
Posts a Brewing. I’ve started so many posts in my head recently but haven’t actually been able to get them out. It’s weird. I feel like I’m finding my way in this whole blogging thing yet again. It’s funny how I need to redefine it for myself every now and then. I read this amazing post and it lit a fire in me. I’ve always been a people pleaser to a fault and I think it’s held me back in a way. More on this later, I just really wanted to share that link. It’s a must read.
That’s all I’ve got tonight. Must head to bed, I have an early morning workout planned. :)
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