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Monday, February 20, 2012

Wednesday Weigh In: Scale Readings + A Question of the Week

weigh in

This morning I was in a rush taking Little Bean to his first ever Swim Class. For as much as he loves the bath he seems to loathe the pool. I’m hoping this helps.

Anyway, I totally forgot to hop on the scale first thing so this week’s weigh in happened much later in the day. Because of this, I expected a gain. (I was up 1.8lbs.) I get heavier during the day. Well… I don’t REALLY get heavier per se, the scale just gives me a higher “reading.”

And that’s what it is right? A reading. It’s not measuring my value or telling me how I should feel or punishing me for a “bad” week. Nope. I refuse to give it that power. It’s a tool and it gives me a reading. That’s it’s. That’s all.

I know some of you don’t use a scale at all and I totally get that. I think it really depends on what stage your in. I’ve flipped flopped myself but right now I’m weighing in weekly more for curiosity than anything. I’m also finding the scale images I post here on the blog are helping me become callous to the number.

And that brings me to this Week’s Question. It’s similar to one I’ve asked before but I want to do a little experiment, if you are willing. Bear with me, it’s a multi-parter. I think it will be really interesting to see everyone’s responses.

Do you weigh in?If so, what frequency?The experiment: hop on the scale in the morning and then again before bed. What are the readings? How do they make you feel?

I am curious as to your scale habits but I’m really hoping a few of you will do the experiment and share the results to show us how fickle the scale can be. Keep in mind it’s nearly impossible to gain a pound in 12 hours. You’d have to consume more than 3,200 calories and basically spend the day in the bed. Even then you’d probably still not gain a full pound of fat.

Anyone willing to participate?

View the original article here

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