check out those bangs. pretty impressive.
This month marks my five year anniversary of blogging at MizFitOnline.
You know, the blog which was born spontaneously one afternoon on the couch & was thisclose to being called Sisyphit.
You know, the blog whose URL has that weirdawkward “online” at the end of it because I was simply too cheap finely frugal to spend the 1800.00 for back in 2007.
That one.
I’m five and, apparently because I’m a misfit, Ive gots the five year itch (as opposed to the more traditional 7).
I feel as though it’s time for a change.
Ive begun mapping out some aesthetic changes (font colors etc)— but that doesnt feel like enough.
I toyed with buying Apparently its value has escalated since ’07 if the domain-sellers current extortion-like demands are any indication. Six thousand dollars? I was compelled to tell him he.crazy.
I purchased & messed with It feels right. It feels next. It does not feel like right now. It does not feel like today.
Allow me to back up & drag you into my brain for a moment.
You see, I woke up one morning and had the realization Im so much more than a mizfitonline.**
I am my brand.
I walk the walk.
I practice what I preach (all together now: so there’s never a need to preach).
I blog it. I vlog it. I LIVE IT.
As a result I spent time pondering the question Who is MizFit? and the answer I returned to *repeatedly* was Carla Birnberg.
Then, a few days ago, I was asked by FitFluential to define myself in a video-snippet.
As I spoke (because G-d forbid I script anything) it became evident to me I am my brand.
I never hesitate or self-edit when I speak, tweet, vlog, blog etc. because what Carla would say MizFit would endorse.
(bear with me. as I type this all out it feels exceedingly obvious as most good ah ha! moments do…)
It all conspires to cause me to see in my future.
A site where absolutely nothing changes (same subject-matter for posts, twitter handle, youtube account, Tornado, lack of apostrophes…) yet the mere thought of it feels pretty damn exciting-monumental and fraught with change.
Good change.
Roni Noone and I are co-authoring a book.
Fila has asked me to serve as their global Fila SpokesMom.
And with that not-for-now-but-coming-soon notion I believe I have the answer to my 5 year itch query.
Who am I? I’m Carla Birnberg.
Who am I? Im MizFit.
For sake of maintaining a thin veneer of “Im an adult, People! I make all my own decisions!” I wont share bore you with details of how I crowdsourced much of this decision. Short version: Im eternally indebted to my FaceBook Peeps.
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