This fabulous woman shall remain anonymous, but let’s just call her “Hannah”. Hannah is a longtime Yum Yucky reader (thanks, gurrrl!), and on Tuesday, November 15, 2011, she underwent tummy tuck surgery.
In the past, I thought tummy tucks were only for lazy people looking for a shortcut to slim, but when my own stomachs began to shrink down, I soon realized that tummy tucks are not always about cutting away the fatty parts – it’s about taking care of the problem of loose skin due to weight loss and/or pregnancy. I can relate to Hannah and her decision to undergo tummy tuck surgery for these very reasons. I might even do this myself one day.
Hannah’s Stats
From Hannah: “This is how I justify my decision to have the surgery: Between April and December 2010 I lost 30 pounds through calorie reduction and exercise. I’ve been maintaining since then. My skin is ruined and saggy, and my belly button is awful. In today’s clothes it is hard to hide that. My stomach skin is going to be stretched from my navel to just above my pubic area. Knowing that bothers me. I’m nervous that the outcome won’t be what I’m looking for (less girth). I’m very nervous about losing and then regaining my fitness progress.”
Hannah’s Pre- and Post-Op Surgery Info
Pre-op tests: EKG and CBC (Complete Blood Panel)Outpatient Surgery Date: 11/15/11Cost of surgery: $7,900 (she paid in cash, not financed)Post surgery medications: Percocet, Valium, antibiotics and anti-nausea patch.Hannah’s post-surgery picks in the kitchen:
Proteins (like Greek yogurt, chicken)FruitLara barsLean CuisineShakeologyFrom Hannah: These foods are “all are easy to consume and fix. I usually eat a lot of veggies each day and I’ll have them around, but I think they might take a bunch of energy to consume. I also plan to use Shakeology during my recovery. Many surgery patients complain of constipation after such an event due to pain meds and lack of food and water. I hope Shakeology will help me heal and offset the aforementioned possibility.”
Her pre- and post-surgery concerns: “My main problems with having surgery are: Maybe the money is better used for donations to worthy charities. Maybe I’m vain and I should just be happy with what I’ve been given in life. Maybe when I fix one thing, another will “need fixing”. Maybe 4-6 weeks of reduced ability to exercise will undo all the progress I’ve made and I’ll never regain my current habits.”
What do you think of Hannah’s concerns? Despise Hannah’s reservations to surgery, I’m glad she went through with it and I can’t thank her enough for her courage and generosity in sharing her pictures and story with us. Hannah will be checking back in periodically with more pictures and commentary to keep us posted on her ongoing progress and results.
Would you consider tummy tuck surgery for yourself?
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