Me & Sally from Oiselle circa 2009. Finally meeting in person.
Two fast things before I get to my love of the Rundies.
First: this isnt a sponsored post. my love for Sally & for Oiselle is priceless.
Second: this shall veer off into sentimentalnessment. Ive not yet written the post. I already recognize that fact. my love for Sally & Oiselle is fraught with the sentimental.
Ive blogged for eons. Over ten years. Ive been loved by brands when I was at my peak. Ive been ignored by brands when they thought my platform wasnt ‘worthy.’
It’s the nature of the blog-beast and, in my opinion, of business in general.
That said, there are always a few brands who love you when youre little and stick by you through the growing pains.
Oiselle is one such brand.
Three years ago Sally reached out to me with an idea. She wanted to give away a sports bra to EVERYONE WHO COMMENTED on a post.
Last year Sally reached out to me again and wanted to send a TANK TOP to everyone who commented on a post.
And, most importantly, those two acts of uber-generosity/love for our tribe arent even a sliver of the reason I ADORE Sally & Oiselle.
She’s supportive. She’s created an amazing brand which encourages women & running unbelievably. She’s unflaggingly & unfailingly positive.
Which brings me to my RUNDIES—which I positively love.
They’re a quirky, newly-created Oiselle item which are described perfectly on the website
You have your underwear. And you have your running. Now you can have them both in Oiselle’s all new day-of-the-week underwear: Rundies!
I know, right?
Even this Runs-Like-Old-Shuffling-Gazelle wanted her a set & not only because she hoped their phrases of rest, track, tempo, easy 6, fartlek, race, & long run would motivate her to GET OUT THERE and DO IT!
And so I gots me some.
They remind me of my days-of-the-week undies from childhood.
They remind me there’s always room in life (& my pants/shorts) for a little levity.
They remind me Im a runner (even if I am wearing Easy 6 under a pantsuit). **
You know you want a set too. PLEASE TO CLICK MY BOOTY.
And yeah, when Ren Man took the photo above it reminded me I am very happy with my career choice as NOT a model & how I really must LOVE Sally to proffer my booty to demonstrate her wares.
Please to support Sally. And, by default, my booty.
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