This article from explains it well and in great detail, so make sure you read it! But here it is in a nutshell:
There’s a new FDA proposed regulation (it came out in July 2011) that would ban many low cost dietary supplements (like fish oil) that we’ve enjoyed access to for many years. If this ban is imposed, the only alternative might be for us to buy the prescription version of certain, popular supplements. I’ve already seen commercials for prescription fish oil pills (sooo unnecessary when I can get it over the counter). It’s obvious that the pharmaceutical industry’s bottom line is threatened by the rise in health conscious people like us who are staying out the doctor’s office more often and have reduced or completely eliminated prescriptions drugs from their daily regimen due to a healthy diet, exercise AND the intake of certain natural supplements that the FDA seeks to ban without a prescription.
I am sickened by the FDA’s pro-pharmaceutical stance. This is about money – not protecting our health. Watch this video from Dr. Mercola, preferably on an empty stomach:
You guys, what we’re doing is working – the way we care for our health DOES work and its caused certain cash-cow health industries to be threatened. They now have to come up with new schemes to continue their rise in profits. There is NO REASON why natural dietary supplements with a long term track record of aiding us in health and wellness should be regulated by the FDA under such extreme measures.
Sound off in the comments. Are you as pissed off about this as I am?
Note added: The Mercola site does sell supplements and such that may be impacted by the proposed regulation, however, this does NOT take away from the information he presents and the points made about the FDA. This ongoing FDA issue is much bigger than Mercola. Further, he is NOT the only one putting the spotlight on FDA abuses.
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