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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Philadelphia Fat Free Cream Cheese Review

Kraft Philadelphia Fat Free Cream Cheese

I'm someone who can tolerate the fat-free versions of otherwise infamously fattening foods. Some folks can't stand the idea of substitutes that cut out the signature flavor, and they typically steer clear of such products either out of passion or depression. But as far as I'm concerned, you can sacrifice full flavor and still enjoy the added ingredient so long as you know how to infuse some of your own less-fattening flavors into healthy recipes. With that said, there always needs to be a base of edibility to begin with.

Serving Size: 2 Tbsp (33 grams)
Calories: 30
Total Fat: 0%
Saturated Fat: 0%
Sodium: 210 mg, 9%
Carbohydrates: 2 grams
Fiber: 0%
Sugars: 1 gram
Protein: 4 grams

Kraft Fat-Free Philadelphia Cream Cheese has its work cut out for it. The rich, velvety, and unforgivably fattening flavor of regular cream cheese isn't easy to replicate sans the necessary ingredients. At 30 calories per serving, the fat-free alternative is 50 calories less per serving than its full flavor counterpart, which is an exceptionally large amount of taste ground to cover for cream cheese. Simply put, Philadelphia's fat-free option fails to break out of the starting gate.

Applied to a bagel, the taste is somewhere between plain yogurt and powdered milk. What begins as the familiar sensation of a warm buttery spread soon turns into a mashing of wheat bread and thickened skim milk which as you can imagine is humbling to say the least. This is complicated by the fact that, due to the thinner agents in the mix, this fat-free alternative starts to liquidate when applied to a freshly toasted bagel, which results in dribbles of the stuff leaking down out of the crack of your mouth while you chew.

But alas, this is the result of simply using the cream cheese for its most basic purpose. With little to distract the tongue away from its blandness, Philadelphia Fat Free Cream Cheese fails to perform at the simple tasks. BUT thrown into a health conscious crab mix modified from the directions found in your mom's recipe box, or whipped into a cheese cake with a liberal amount of fresh fruit topping, then its benefits start to shine through. When the cream cheese component is there mainly for texture with other ingredients dominating your tongue's sensations, the fat-free option comes in quite handy.

An 8 ounce tub costs $2.50 at my local grocery store. I would buy it again to use in recipes, but I didn't enjoy it eaten on it's own.

{Website: Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese}

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