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Monday, August 15, 2011

How to give workouts purpose & vision by discovering your W.H.Y.

Thanks so much to Joyce, the Moore than Fitness Coach for this guest post

Picture this…Sicily 1932…(couldn’t help it…I’m a Golden Girls fan)…Seriously, picture this…

It’s April 15th and the first hint of spring has hit the air. The sun is shining and the flowers are starting to peek out of their buds. After months of cold weather you feel like it’s time to put the top down, if only for a moment. Then it happens (queue the jaws theme music)…just as you throw your arms up in the air to welcome warmer months you feel the wind flapping your arms around like a flag on the 4th of July. As you scream like a woman in travail, you realize that you only have a few weeks until the start of summer. You immediately bust a u-turn like a badass officer on an episode of cops and race to the nearest gym. You purchase the gym membership and promise yourself that you’re going to get into shape this summer.

Sound familiar? It gets better…

Then July comes around and you realize that you only made it to the gym a handful of times and never followed the eating plan your local trainer gave you. You sigh and walk slowly towards the swimwear cover-up section at the department store.

I don’t know about you, but this is like a page taken out of my weight loss journal and I’m a fitness professional. Yup, even fitness pros have times when we hit the wall or let things get in the way of our fit lifestyle.

What I have found each time this happened to me is that I lacked real motivation. Let me explain… See real motivation comes from understanding WHY you are doing something in the first place. Now as a woman, I know firsthand just how important looking hot on the beach can be. But like the example above, it’s not enough to keep us on track.

Let’s dig in quickly and discover some real purpose for your workouts.

The “W” in W.H.Y stands for Who.

Ask yourself Who is important to you. Maybe you want to be able to run with your child without becoming winded or perhaps you want to encourage a loved one to be healthy as well. Find a person to dedicate your efforts to and you’ll definitely have a higher rate of success.

Next is the “H” which stands for How.

How can what you’re doing influence someone else? In other words, can your weight loss inspire and motivate someone you possibly don’t even know to do the same as you? Are there people cheering you on along your journey that are looking up to you?

And finally, “Y” is for saying YES to commitment.

Often times we have a small voice telling us it’s okay if we don’t succeed. But I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to tell yourself “YES I CAN”! Could you muster up enough spunk to say that to yourself and mean it? If the answer is yes (and I hope it is), then the sky is the limit for anything that you want to accomplish.

I hope these tips have served you and that you can start defining your WHY today.

View the original article here

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