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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fonebloggin’ (the Tornado’s) Foamrollin’

(not a foam roller, but it’s what Ive got on my smart phone. d*mn spontaneous posts…)

Subtitle: Arent I the one who says if you practice what you preach there’s nary a need to preach?

Last night, after a day of active vigorous mama/daughter play, the Tornado gestured vaguely to her side and announced:

Mama if this still hurts tomorrow Im going to get up and foam roll it.**

Yes I laughed (on the inside where it counts).

Yes I told all of you (on FB where it’s less ephemeral than twitter).

Yes she’s gotten up and is attempting to mangle her 5 year old bod on my roller.

Which all leads me to wonder (aloud to you more experienced at parenthood and/or foam rolling types):

When we choose to practice and not preach should we simultaneously let our little people know some ‘stuff’ we are practicing is NOT for them to try?*And, more importantly, is foam rolling harmful to little bodies even when done in play with a big person around?  (remember my Airrosti adventure? they seemed to think not…)

Id love your thoughts, insights, & foam rolling fer 5 year olds tips in the comments below.

*By way of full dizclosure I should let you know Ive already walked in on her rolling her booty with the grimacing tennis ball pictured above.

**When I closed down my mom-blog to pursue MizFit fulltime I purchased a (fancy for us) notebook with the Tornado’s initial on the front. I leave it on the kitchen table and when she says or does anything Id have blogged about I write it in there.  I already love going back and reread the jottings.  If you dont do this already I highly recommend it!

View the original article here

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