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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sunday Supper is…

brought to you by the lovely peeps at

chosen by the frantic five year old for Father’s Day

all whipped together in the kitchen by a loving, generous, gluten-free noodle adding misfit.

Please to imagine this one:

Devouring her Asian Chicken Noodle Bowl whilst gazing lovingly at this one:

While this one:

sits back, relaxes & basks in the father/daughter love and tiptoes away as quietly as possible so as not to be stuck doing the dishes.

Happy Father’s Day (be your children fur or human).

Happy Sunday.

And, if you’re at our domicile, Happy Gluten-Free Noodling.

FTC? Ready Set Eat hired me to do recipe reviews as part of their Shared Tastes panel. The Father’s Day mishegas is all my own.

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