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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Celebrate with me?

(I know. Is anything MORE guaranteed to make me than this?)

Today, People, is National Power of a Smile day.

Before we get to the reasons why you should STOP & spread the SMILE’age I have a story.

A short story.

A no-name story as I dont know if those involved wanna be outed—but a story none the less.

A little over a week ago I ambled out to the mailbox.

I was having a “fine” day.  Nothing bad.  Nothing great.  And definitely anticipated NOTHING BUT BILLS in the aforementioned box of mail.

Inside the box I discovered a package.

I stopped, plopped, & ripped into it immediately.

Inside the package I found the mind-blowing Seuss wall-hanging pictured above.

A surprise from four amazing women which put a SMILE on my face I still have not removed.

A smile Ive learned, as Ive displayed it all around the ATX, is entirely contagious.

It’s with that in mind I ask YOU to join me in celebrating this silly holiday & in the spreading of the smiles.

What’s that?

You need more of a reason than the potential to turn the world on with your smile around someone’s day?


Smiling perks up the SMILER as well! Feeling tired & supafly grumpy? SMILE!  There’s a pretty good chance you will begin to feel better whether you want to or not.  Getting your *grin on* can trick the body into actually believe it’s feeling happier.Smiling is a stress reliever. This misfit needed no other recommendation to start smilin’ than that.Smiling boosts our immune system. Studies have shown this.  Docs are not 100% certain why this is. Smiling causes us to relax which, in turn,  boots immunity and prevents coughs and colds.Smiling plain ole makes us feel *good* Studies show smiling releases endorphins and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.  Smiling is a legal natural feel good high!Smiling lowers our blood pressure. The next time you are feeling FRAZZLED try smiling. Hard. Big.  A face-splitting grin.  How do you feel now??Smiling makes us hotter…not in the sweaty Texas way either.   Smiling draws people to us and makes us more attractive.Smiling is contagious. I learned this lesson repeatedly over the past week or so.  Smile & others smile with you.  Git bitchy grumpy & you grump alone.

With that I leave you to go out into the world & Spread of the SMILE.



Be your gesture little (the giving o’the grin to a stranger) or big (sure my Seussian treat was over-the-top, but resulting smile was too) please to hit us ALL UP with your plans in the comments below.

View the original article here

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