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Monday, July 4, 2011

Fit Stanley is coming! Fit Stanley is coming!

how can my fave part *not* be that she colored outside the lines?!

Being that my first career centered around writing & children I’ve been a friend to Flat Stanley for a while now.

Long before the Tornado entered the scene, Stanley’s skinnyself could frequently be found in my purse *waiting* to emerge at a crazy!new!locale! so I could snap a photo & return him to his owner.

It was for that reason I made the erroneous assumption *everyone* knew about the Flat Stanley Project.

Leave it to twitter (what would we do without Twitter?!) to inform me of the error of my ways.

I give you the Flat Stanley short version:

Based on a book (though yes, Lord help us, there’s now an app) Flat Stanley has sparked an elementary school movement.Flat Stanley is mailed all over the world, the Stanley-recipients take a photo of Stanley’s “visit” and return both photo/and Stanley to his owner.

(see? for once I actually did proffer just the really short version. go me!)

Of course this all started me thinking how fun it would be if we had ourselves a FIT STANLEY!

We could send our FIT little man all over the world to experience (and have photo-documented on our blogs) healthy living adventures!

So I hired an artist:

Who, in turn, fancied herself a philosopher:

And we took the whole thing to this guy to laminate**:

Finally our fantastic Fit Stanley is ready to start his FITventures.

He’s ready to get to traveling & I look to you to get him started and keep him going.

My plan:

Please leave a comment below if you’d be willing to host Stanley and take his photo doing something Fit&Fun.After you take Stanley’s picture you, in turn, will blog your FIT’ventures (preferably with the words Fit Stanley in your post title so we are sure to find him.  Feel free also to send me your link and use the hashtag #FitStanley for your post on twitter).How you pass Fit Stanley onward is entirely up to you. Id love him to travel the globe. Id love him to be something which connects us to bloggers we dont yet know (translation: try and resist passing him on to a friend).That’s it!  You can tweak the whole shebang as you’d like (ala this post I plan to include a little treat inside the package when I ship Fit Stanley) the most important thing is keeping Fit Stanley  moving & grooving.

So what do you say?

Would you want to host Fit Stanley for a FIT’venture or three?

Are you willing to both blog yer FIT’cursion and mail him on to someone else?

Please to hit us up in the comments below.

I will pick a person at random and contact by email 6.20.11

**Of course the creation of Fit Stanley went horribly awry as most of my arts & crafts adventures do. Suffice it to say I received TWO pieces of Fit Stanley back from lamination.  I rehired my artist and we started again…

View the original article here

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