My Sensational Sunday can pretty much be summed up in three chapters…
I did it! Ran my first 5k since having the baby. I must admit I felt a little out of place and nervous. I went alone. It would have been too much dragging the whole family and the husband just wasn’t into it.
I actually ended up doing better than expected. I stopped to walk three times and still finished under 33 minutes.
Chart from the Nike+
The race did spark that running bug in me again. I love events and need to map out a few this summer to keep me going. I’m also considering signing up for the Baltimore Half in October. I’m thinking it will give me something longer to start training for.
After the run I danced around with the baby…
and made everyone breakfast. I had a 2 egg veggie filled omelet and A Less Green More Blue Simple Smoothie.
TOTALY yummy and may be my most favorite breakfast.
After breakfast we headed to a friends party. It was nice just to hang out for a bit. I had a turkey burger and tried to stick mostly with the fruit and veggies they had out. But I had to indulge in a chocolate chip cupcake. I wish I had the camera with me, it was too pretty.
Why are pretty desserts are so hard to pass up?
After the party we crashed. Well the the baby, the husband and I crashed. The Little Guy stayed up playing with the iPad.
I was tired. Up 3 times last night to nurse and I went to bed late after a couple of margaritas with friends. Then I woke up and ran 3 miles.
Yea.. it was a bit much.
A nice 3 hour nap was exactly what I needed. I felt and still feel so refreshed!
After the nap we ATTEMPTED to finished up the laundry but our washing machine is acting up. Now I have TWO appliances giving me trouble. In fear of sounding like an old fart… they just don’t make things the way they used to.
Anyway, we made dinner. Leftover wings, zucchini and burgers on, yup you guessed it, the grill. I have now successfully grilled every day for 8 days! I’m obsessed!
We then hung out until bed time. The husband folded the laundry we did get done and the Little Guy played with the Baby.
They are really starting to interact! It’s nice!
Once we got the kids to bed, the husband and I settled in for our favorite night of TV. I warded off the mindless snacking with a quick bag of homemade 100 calorie popcorn. I was in a munching mood and this was my compromise. Only 2 more days left on the week of snack-less nights challenge for me. It’s helped immensely to snap me out of the auto-munch mode I’ve been in.
OK, must go to bed. The Baby’s been changing up his night time feeding schedule. I’m not sure when he’ll be up tonight.
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