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alli is a 60mg orlistat capsule. But it's more than just a pill. It's an innovative weight loss program that works with you, not for you. alli can help you lose 50% more weight than dieting alone, but you have to do your part by changing the way you eat. The alli program starts with your commitment to adopting healthy eating habits. It combines the only FDA approved, over-the-counter weight loss product with an individually tailored support plan to help you achieve gradual and healthy weight loss. When you take alli along with a reduced-calorie, low-fat diet, you can lose 50% more weight than dieting alone. For example, instead of losing 10 pounds with diet alone, you can lose 15 pounds with the alli program. alli is safe - it works in your digestive system, not in your heart or brain. It will not cause jitters, sleeplessness, or a racing heart. You can't just try alli - you have to commit to it. More information can be found at myalli.com, where you can also talk to alli users, registered dietitians, pharmacists, and fitness experts on the alli message board. Or talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or dietitian to help determine if you're ready. | | |||
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Typically, enzymes in your intestines break down fat from food so your body can absorb the fat. But the active ingredient in alli attaches to some of these enzymes and prevents them from digesting about a quarter of the fat you eat. Because undigested fat can't be absorbed, it passes out of your body instead of turning into calories. The main side effect occurs when you eat a meal with too much fat while taking alli. If so much fat is blocked that your stool can't absorb it, you might have side effects. Because they are not harmful, we call them "treatment effects." These include loose or more frequent stools, an urgent need to go to the bathroom, or gas with an oily discharge. The excess fat that passes out of your body is in no way harmful. In fact, you may recognize it as something that looks like the oil on top of a pizza. Treatment effects can be lessened if you stick to reduced-calorie, low-fat meals that average 15 grams of fat per meal.
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Losing weight is easier with support. That's why the alli program includes an individually tailored online plan called myalliplan. myalliplan offers free individualized support and was developed by nutritional and weight management experts who understand the struggle to lose weight. When you register with myalliplan, you receive:
You may have a better chance of success when you enroll in a customized, interactive support plan. If you decide that you're ready to commit to the alli program, purchase the alli starter pack. This package contains portable reference guides to help you follow the alli program. The starter pack also includes a carrying case, called the alli Shuttle, to make it easy to take your alli capsules with you. The in-pack guides, together with myalliplan, deliver the support to help you reach your weight loss goals, and teach you how to eat healthy for a lifetime. | ||||
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Losing weight doesn't have to be a bland, tasteless affair. With help from the alli program, you can learn how to create healthy and flavorful meals. So instead of that high-calorie, high-fat cheeseburger, try a juicy turkey burger that's loaded with flavor and low in fat. |
Price: $69.99
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