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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Preview of coming MizFit’tractions

Welcome to 2011.

I wanted to take a moment and welcome both of my all of my many new readers.

Whether you found me by googling What fitness blogger will Ellen never have on her show? or stumbled here via a search for broken bootywelcome.

I’m into myriad things, hang out at a few places, I’ve shed some pounds, but more than anything focus on being as present as I can & living my life as…misfit’y  & unapologetically myself as possible.


Id pretend Im here to proffer a complete & comprehensive guide to whats coming in 2011—but Im not.

Please to enjoy what’s on the forefront of my mind on this Wednesday as all the various & sundry stuff to come in 2011 could fill a book.

or Im merely saying that to employ the Law of Attraction.

You shall have to stick around for the proverbial long haul to find out.

Coming soon.  By MizFit.

Im partnering with Attune Foods for some exciting stuff. We’ve previously established I love me some Attune brand.  They value us as bloggers/consumers.  They take the time to get to know us. They sponsor our events.  They produce foods Im not hesitant to either give to the Tornado or recommend to friends.

Im throwing a Twitter party on January 13 at 7pm central! Details to come (including how the party sponsor’s product, Arctic Ease, helped heal my injured booty). The soiree shall include other bloggers, prizes, & I PROMISE to lay it all out for you non-Tweeters how to participate.

I’m interviewing Giuliana Rancic. Yes I liked her just fine on E! News. YES fell completely in love with her snarky, funny self on Giuliana & Bill.  She’s segueing into fitness (she’s a hardcore runner–who knew?) & I’m eager to talk about that & more (yes. you may assume this interview will not be unbiased. I like me some Giuliana. Dizclaimer. Dizclaimer. Dizclaimer.)

Im beyond excited to promote a friend’s new! endeavor! The concept rhymes with schmunning schmourse & I cant wait to do all I can to support her.  You know, all I can EXCEPT commit to more, uh, schmunning.

And that’s it here.

For now anyway.

I’ve decided this is MY YEAR to take small steps to big big changes in all areas of my life from fitness to family.

And you?

Whatcha got cookin’ (foreshadowing! foreshadowing!) for 2011?

Please to hit us all up in the comments.  We promise not to nag you about achieving it.

Too much anyway.

View the original article here

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