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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Weekend Quote: Life is an Experience


Recently I’ve been trying to rediscover my passion for trying new things. I’m not sure about you, but for me it takes a deliberate and conscious effort to do so. If I don’t I fall into the rut of my routine. I get lazy, complacent, bored, uninspired, and that’s when a funk normally sets in.

A few days ago you may have noticed I shared my first experience with sorghum on GreenLiteBites, and today I posted a completely new way to prepare spaghetti squash.

Could I have easily slapped some ham between two slices of bread or just picked something up from the convenience store? Sure, and there’s nothing wrong with that when you are in a pinch, but I think so many of us simply don’t make the effort when we can. It’s not a priority to try new foods and take the time to learn how to cook them. We’re scared. What if I don’t like it? What if the kids don’t like it? What if I mess it up?

I’m using food and cooking as an example here, but this same concept applies to everything in life.

Trying a new class at the gym. I won’t know anyone. What if I mess up, or worse can’t keep up?

Reaching out to new friends. They already have a group. What if they don’t like me? What if I don’t fit in?

Planning a weekend away with your significant other. We can’t afford it. I’d have to ask something to watch the kids. It’s just so much work.

I can go on and on … Signing up for a running event, applying for a new job, taking a class in something that interests you, etc., etc., etc.

Making an effort to DO is scary.

“Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experience.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

And the older I get, the more I realize life really is all about the experience.

The more we try, the more we do, the more we live.

The more we live, the less we worry about trivial things like how we look in a bathing suit or what the scale told us this morning.

So what do you think? Try something new with me this weekend? Go ahead, push yourself out of your comfort zone. Find something to experience not in your typical routine. 

View the original article here

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