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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sensational Sunday Shots

It’s been a pretty low-key weekend, which is exactly what I needed. Friday night I had dinner plans with a friend. Saturday I had an at-home date night with The Husband since the 8-year-old was invited to a sleep over. And today? Well, I did what I could with a hangover and a stomach virus.

The 2-year-old awoke ready to play.


He’s obsessed with this Cube Puzzle by Melissa and Doug

First we did the sheep.


Then the duck.


Then the chicken, which ended the way things normally end with toddler boys.


Then the cow.


Then Mom had enough and I shuffled him down to the messy kitchen.


And the cook-fest began.


I didn’t join the CSA this year as I knew I’d be traveling a lot but a friend asked if I wanted her share this week. I happily accepted the 4 bags of farm-fresh produce.

I decided to make an Indian-inspired roasted eggplant soup and it came out phenomenal. I hope to get the recipe up on GreenLiteBites tomorrow.

In addition to the soup, I hard boiled eggs for the week and made these two a bacon and egg breakfast.


It was so weird without the 8-year-old but we still had fun cleaning and getting ready for the week.


I started a project that I’ve been wanted to do for months.


My clothes were in desperate need of organizing. I went through every darn drawer and my closet.

I broke from the crazy clothes purge and we picked up the other kid.



The rest of the day I finished my clothes and took a nap. Then the husband left for tennis and I had dinner with these two.


Why, yes, he is putting spaghetti in his milk.

Anyway, no yoga, no run, nothing today. I needed a break.

View the original article here

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