Subtitle: I cant lie. Ive been jealous.
Green with envy.
For a while Ive coveted what it seemed others had.
I was envious of the FUN I perceived happened when my Catholic friends skipped off to CCD together.
I longed for the unity I thought friends possessed as they giggled together on Monday over Sunday’s happenings at church.
Ive watched bloggers go on mission trips and thought:
oooh Id love to do that if it weren’t for the faith piece. I, too, am committed to doing unto others and would love to be a part of that blogger community.
What felt as though it held me back was this:

Less than a barrier-to-entry for these situations (I love my faith & that affection has only deepened as Ive gotten older) I began to wonder if it simply wasnt an option for us Jews.
If what united us was merely a shared experience of persecution (for lack of a better word. those more articulate than I possess better words Im certain.).
And then I blogged for a billion more years and grew older still.
And then I spied the SHE READS TRUTH hashtag.
Initially on Twitter. And then on Instagram. And then mentioned in blog posts across varying genres.
Finally it hit me like a ton of bricks matzo balls:
That’s it. That’s what Im seeking. That’s what I do, already, alone in my domicile when I meditate/write in the mornings.
Im indebted to our Healthy Living Tribe for making this could-be-isolating fitness life feel easy and frequently FUN.

I felt solo as I journaled about trying to live my best spiritual life and sought a way to stay connected to blogger/social media friends who share this same pursuit.
And the hashtag JEWISHGIRLS was born (mazel. I know. finally. it has been a 44 year gestation period.).
Born for twitter.
Created for Instagram and the book of the FACE.
And yes, sometimes, for the blog as well.
For me it feels like a final piece in my healthy living puzzle.
One last muscle Im focusing on strengthening with the help of BLENDS and the power of social media.

And you?
Whatever your approach to zen or faith: have you created your community on or offline?
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