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Sunday, September 22, 2013

My one year crossfit affair (guest post).

I debated recently whether or not I wanted to post about my one year anniversary with Crossfit because I think my take on it is a little bit unique. But then it occurred to me that I should write about it because it is unique.

My Crossfit anniversary was actually in July, so about a month ago. Prior to when I began in July of 2012 I had been circuit training and doing HIIT for about three years, so I had lost about 5 – 10 pounds and at least 10% body fat.

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But my mind was wondering.

I had been married to circuit training as well as running half marathons, 5k and 10k’s for so long I wasn’t sure Crossfit was going to be right for me. I had tried it once before and always felt like I was doing things wrong, yet there was no one there to correct me.

I began taking twice weekly workshops on the olympic lifts – the snatch and the clean and jerk. This was fantastic, but incredibly time consuming. Ultimately, I was still training for a half marathon as well as what would be my second and third bikini competitions. I quickly learned that these three fitness goals did not match. You can’t try to get really lean, increase your endurance and increase your strength all at once.

While the half marathon then the bikini competitions won for the time being, I still had the itch to continue with the olympic lifts.

Shortly after my competitions, I was getting restless. I needed to change things up a bit. I was tired of focusing 100% on my body fat percentage (or lack thereof,) and constantly trying to get leaner – I needed to go pick things up and set them down. My inner meathead needed to come out and I needed to lift some heavy stuff!

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I knew I did not want to go back to the same box I had been at previously, so I talked to a friend who had been training at Crossfit Southie for years. So one afternoon I headed into the city and dropped into my first class. Right there on the spot I did my very first double under – something I thought was impossible.

I signed up for 3 classes a week on the very first day, which turned into the unlimited package two weeks later – I was hooked.

Since then I have competed in 6 competitions -

Northeast Garage Games Finals, November 2012 – Scaled Division, 10th place our of 60

Crossfit 2A In-House Throwdown, January 2013 – RX Division, 10th place out of 17

Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em Couples Competition, February 2013

Crossfit Free In-House Throwdown, April 2013 – RX Division

WOD For Dimes Team Competition, May 2013 – RX Division

Crossfit Newton Mass Mayhem Garage Games, August 2013 – RX Division

snatchgood 300x200 My one year crossfit affair (guest post).

I am currently taking the competitor’s class at Crossfit Southie and every single day I show up excited for what the day will hold.

The next best thing to showing up to the box is looking up the workout the day before when it posts! That is how hooked I am.

In the last year I have…

Increased my back squat by 30 pounds

Increased my clean and jerk by 25 pounds

Increased my deadlift by 35 pounds

Learned to snatch properly and increased it by 10 pounds

Learned to perform kipping pullups, chest to bar pullups, handstand push ups, pistols, clean and press an axle, climb a rope, pick up atlas stones and swing a 53 pound kettlebell

I have also decreased my 500m row time by 12 seconds

And all the while I have been able to maintain my one underlying goal of having visible abs.

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Part of the reason I feel as though my love affair with Crossfit is very unique is how it has gotten me past a lot of body image issues.

As you know, I was overly consumed with my weight and my body fat percentage. All I had ever known of working out was to do it to be thin. Quickly I learned that to get stronger I was probably going to have to put on some muscle.

As I achieved PR’s and set the standard for myself higher and higher, my confidence soared.

Until one day, I was going on a trip to Florida and I was trying on outfits to take with me and low and behold, my shorts no longer fit. I remember that moment well – it was not one I enjoyed. I knew that it wasn’t fat -it couldn’t be. I had been eating very clean, I was training hard and I almost always had visible abs.

I looked back on my progress pictures and I realized – I had developed muscles – REAL LIFE USABLE MUSCLES. I had wider lats and I had developed quads and my glutes were as outstanding as ever.

I had two choices – quit Crossfit or fall in love with my current body.

I was smitten with Crossfit – I’m not quitting – I want to make it to the Games! So I decided right then and there that I would love my body just the way it is. Here’s my pre-Crossfit body compared to recent progress pics…

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And you know, sometimes you have to do that.

Whether you have gotten a little bigger (muscles) or maybe you have excess skin because you’ve lost fat. Or perhaps you have decided that you can’t be a slave to your perfect diet and you aren’t as lean as you once were —learn to love that body of yours because you only get one, and you have to spend your whole life with it, so you may as well show it some love.

Because let me tell you, when you do, it will love you back.

Our bodies do absolutely amazing things – we need to build them up, not break them down.
So now it’s your turn..

Do you Crossfit?

If so, do you love it? Why?

Has it changed your body or your mind? How?

Id love to hear from you!

Kyra, The Get In Shape Girl

View the original article here

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